I shook my head, resting it in my hands, "I don't want her thinking for a second that she isn't wanted. I'm not giving up."

"You want her?" Alex queried. 

"I want her."


The next morning, I woke early to make Shannon breakfast once again. She was slightly more talkative, showing gratitude for the early morning pick-me-up breakfast. 

We reconnected in swimming practice a couple of hours later when I was partially more awake. I was going to do everything I could to make Shannon comfortable, by looking after her, and being the perfect gentlewoman. 

The swimsuit Shannon chose to wear was undeniably less showing than previously, but I had more important tasks at hand. I carried Shannon's towel to the heated towel rack, switching it on, so Shannon could rug up nice and warm after practice. With breakfast, I had premade a mug of Shannon's favourite coffee blend, pouring it into an insulated bottle to keep it hot. When practice was over, I quickly slipped out of the pool, retrieving both the bottle and the towel, handing them to Shannon. 

Her expression told me that she was surprised, but I wasn't going to let up. If she didn't think anyone cared about her, I was just going to have to prove her wrong. 

With swimming practice over, I met up with Alex and Gio in the quad, surprised to see a familiar face sitting with them.

"Grace!" I smiled, leaning down to give her a hug, "It's good to see you again."

"Oh, you guys have already met!" Gio laughed, "That makes this easier. Grace and I met in our Biology class and she radiated the same kind of vibe that we share, so I invited her to hang out with us. That's okay, right?"

"Fine by me," Alex nodded, and I agreed. We needed a new addition to the group, and Grace was the perfect person. She was kind, had good banter, and was a little bit shy. She was a sweetheart. 

"So, Lindsay, I heard you're almost back to swimming. Congratulations!" Gio jumped, excitedly hugging me. He almost seemed as thrilled as I did, although, he had been with me for majority of my swimming championships, cheering and encouraging along the way. 

"Grace, why don't you tell us a bit more about yourself? What do you do for fun?" Alex asked.

"Playing the guitar, I guess? I enjoy making music," she replied.

"Wow, that's so sexy," Gio fan-girled, "maybe you could play for us one of these days?"

"Sure," Grace smiled, looking down shyly. 


Getting back to the guest house after an exhausting day, I was ready to skip dinner and slip into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, after unlocking my door, the first place I'd be visiting was the floor. I stepped into my apartment, slipping on something, before falling ass-first onto the ground. Rubbing my buttocks, I picked up the piece of paper that I had slipped on, ready to rip in into tiny, angry pieces. 

Instead, I saw my name written across the front in fancy writing, a grin once again gracing my face. Knowing no one else who communicated by notes anymore, I figured it had to be from Shannon. 

Unfolding the paper, I read the carefully written piece to myself. 


I appreciate everything you are doing to help me through this difficult time. As much as I'd love to say it isn't needed, I would be lying if I said it wasn't warming my heart, making me feel somewhat better. 

Addressing your previous letter, your fact about orgasms was intriguing. I'll have to look into that. (I'm sorry, that was a bit inappropriate).

Thank you for caring, Lindsay.

- Shannon Monet

Smiling widely, I picked myself up off the floor, storing the letter safely in my dresser. 

If my gestures were making Shannon feel cared for, I was never going to stop. 

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Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now