(Chapter 58) One Cured, One Cursed

Start from the beginning

Y/n P.O.V (The Lodge) (An Hour Later)

"Wow, I really did destroy this place" I say as Lucinda and I walk down the scratched up, torn up remains of what used to be a hallway.

"Yeah, please don't scare me like that again" She jokes as we continue to walk.

"Y/n!" Everyone calls out. Everyone as in Garroth, Aph and Kim.

Garroth immediately comes running over and hugging me tightly. "Y/n! Thank Irene you're okay"

"Hey of course I'm okay. I'm the queen of okay. Okay?" I say, his arms wrapped tightly around me. "And Zane! You're okay" I call out, only now noticing he was here. "Zane how did you do that?"

"Do what?" He asks.

"You smell different"

"Well that's rude" Zane says.

"He doesn't remember me!!!" Garroth cries, still latched onto me.

"What?!?!" Lucinda and I both say.

"Did he hit his head during the fight?" Lucinda whispers to me.

"Not hard enough for memory loss. And that doesn't explain why I don't recognise his sent" I whisper back.

"How would you even know my, scent. We've never met either" Zane says.

"But you know Aph, Kim and myself" Lucinda asks.

"Well I won't say, know, I know of you but we've never really talked before" Zane explains. "But I certainly know Aphmau, she's my best friend"

"Selective memory loss" Lucinda says.

"And only for me and Garroth?" I say.

"Magic?" We both whisper to each over.

"Hey Zane" I say, pealing myself out of Garroth's death grip. "Could you look at me for a second"

"What...?" Zane asks.

"Please Zane" Aph says as Garroth walks over to her and Kim.

"Okay..." Zane says, before turning to look at me. Only to have a sight fright at the sight me and Lucinda staring him down. "What are you two..."

"Hush!" Lucinda says, playing her hand over his mouth.

"Green eyes" We both say to each other.

"Zane come with us please" I say as we each take one of his eyes and lead him into the other room.

"We'll take care of him, just stay here for now" Lucinda says, closing the door behind us.

"Ladies please, I don't think that now is the time, I need to find my brother" Zane says, slight blush on his face.

"Gross" I say, holding in puke.

"You're brother?" Lucinda asks.

"Yeah, we got separated in the storm"


"I'm not really sure, there was a flash of green and suddenly he was gone. Soon after I ran into Garroth"

"So, this Alpha hit Zane with a forever potion that makes him think that Zane is his brother" Lucinda explains. "But why?"

"Can't we cure him like you did with me?" I ask.

"We'd need another one of those emeralds. And I'm not sure where to get them... Aaron has one!" Lucinda exclaims.

"I'll get him!" I say, rushing out the door.

"Y/n! How's Zane?" Garroth asks.

"And are you alright, you were out for awhile" Kim asks.

"What exactly is going on?" Aph asks.

"I promise I'll explain soon but right now, I need to find Aaron. Do you know where he is" I ask.

"We'll go find him" Kim says.

"Thanks, bring him back to me as soon as you do!" I say before shutting the door. "The others are gonna go look for him"

"Good, for now all we can do is slow down the process like I did with you" Lucinda explains. "Did you get anything from his when you fought? Any information?"

"Nothing I can make sense of, but Zane definitely knew him" I say.

"Did he say a name?" Lucinda asks.

"I think so. It's all a bit of a blur" I say. "Plus, I was high on adrenaline and scared about protecting Zane"


"I know I know! Let me think!" I say, rubbing my temples.

Then it clicks. "Ein. Zane says his name was Ein"

"EIN!!!" Lucinda shouts.

"Who's Ein?" I ask.

"My brother" Zane says.

"The Alpha?" I ask.

"Sadly both. We need to find Aph and Aaron, Now!" Lucinda orders.

"Okay! I'll find them, you take care of Zane!"

"My supplies are still in the cave, I'll hurry and get them" Lucinda says.

"What about me?" Zane asks.

"STAY HERE!!!" We both shout, before running out the room and in different directions.

I run straight to Kim and Garroth who both stand out the door.

"KIM! Where's Aph and Aaron!" I shout.

"What's happened?" Garroth asks. "I'm not exactly sure but Lucinda says we need both of them back here now! Where are they?"

"Aaron went into the storm awhile ago" Kim says.

"And Aph just ran out trying to find him!" Garroth shouts.

"Okay. Stay with Zane, keep him safe, wait for Lucinda" I say as I step outside. "I'll find Aph and Aaron"


Hi PTH here,

And I'm back! Yay! Exams are over and I can finally relax and chill. I don't have anything to say besides that. Hope you lot stay safe. Cya for the next chapter.

Goodbye and goodnight
Thanks for reading

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