Of Castles and Kings and Pretty Things

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Chapter 6 - Zoe

It vaguely occurred to me to be embarrassed as we approached the impressive facade.

I had learned a long time ago the rich were not to be trusted. Behind closed doors Kinks and perversions are all the same. Even so, I was impressed with this guy - no, Roman. His name is Roman. There was something about him that made me feel safe.

I'm sure if I wasn't so dulled I'd be able to appreciate the opulence of the lobby's white marble and creams and golds as we glide through with his hand on my low back. The ornate elevator with it's gold trim and mirrored walls and elegant touches of white marble couldn't hold my attention as much as the heat coming off the man I was currently tucked into.

I felt every spark of electricity his fingers sent through my skimpy dress.

I furrowed my brow. You're not going to be punished. Memories simmered under the black surface of my mind. If I was honest, I'd had orgasms but never pleasure. I read a lot since it was my escape into another world, so I knew it happened sometimes, but never to me...until tonight.

Suddenly I could do nothing but focus on the sensations coursing through my body. The hall we walked down was blurry as my eyes dilated from the assault of feeling. The key in the lock was silent as my blood thrummed in my head and my heart raced in my chest.

I hadn't had enough powder to last this long. That's all. I'm coming down. Surely it's not the man. Roman had all the features of an Abercrombie model but I had fucked pretty before and never felt like this.

We walked just inside the door. Roman flicked the switch. While I had expected black and chrome and bachelor style entertainment, what I actually saw distracted me.

Beiges and creams accented dark wood furniture and the dark coffee colored couch and chairs it was masculine without being overbearing. My shoulders relaxed as something clicked inside my soul. I was alone with Roman for the first time and not since I was a child when I was first abducted and sold have my nerves been this frayed.

I sniffed as my nose started running again. I walked further into the apartment trying to take it all in but the screaming in my head was loud. I rubbed my forehead and turned to Roman.

"Where can I freshen up?" I asked as I brandished my bottle travel size mouthwash and deodorant. Honestly I just wanted to tamp down the jumble in my head.

"Down the hall. Last door on the right. Go ahead and grab a shower, but..."

"But?" I asked quietly. I shuffled from one numb foot to the other. Part of me hoped he'd just take me right there and then. That would at least stop my dark thoughts.

He crossed over to a cabinet and retrieved something. When he came back he held up a baggie of the most beautiful golden and purple weed I'd ever seen.

"We stick to this tonight." I looked from the baggie to him and smiled. Plucking it from his fingers I opened it and took a big whiff. The earthy tang of the weed filled my nostrils and teased my senses with the promise of bliss.

"You're the boss. Money first, boss," I smiled. He nodded, walking down the hall to the left and disappearing momentarily. When he returned with three stacks of one thousand dollars, I swallowed my excitement and barely managed not to actually fist pump. Now if I could make it out the door with the cash in hand at the end of the night without having to do anything too humiliating I'd be set.

I stuffed the money in my purse and turned towards the bathroom with renewed purpose.

Chapter 7 - Roman

I heard the door click shut behind my gorgeous mate. My blood pumped through my skull and my wolf paced impatiently inside me. I rubbed my chest and held tight to the strained control I had over my wolf.

When I heard the shower turn on I turned towards my room. Once inside, I stripped down, threw my phone and keys on the night stand and grabbed some grey sweatpants and a black tank. I knew I was showing off for my mate but hell I never claimed to be humble.

I walked back over to the far side of my bed and picked up my cell. I sat there and skimmed to make sure there wasn't anything from my Alpha, the President of the Dark Vikings MC. I'd need to make contact as his Gamma, but it would keep for tonight. Once I was satisfied, I walked back out to my kitchen and start pulling out the ingredients for a simple meal of shrimp and pasta in my Mama's butter garlic sauce.

It wasn't often that I felt like cooking, but with Cherry in the other room naked and wet, I had to find something to keep my hands busy.

I finished plating the linguine and brought it to the bar between the kitchen and dining room as the shower turns off. I can't stop my eyes from darting to the door. My Cherry. My mate.

I think back to how happy my mom and dad were when they were alive. I just know that my future is standing on the other side.

I'm pulled out of my reverie by the appearance of the most stunning creature I've ever laid eyes on. It takes me a second to remember to breathe. As her scent mixed with my body wash and shampoo and my control almost snapped. My wolf was salivating and desperately trying to get closer to our mate.

Her curly brunette hair still wet as it fell in curls around her petite shoulders. Her alabaster skin and delicate features make me want to whimper. She's a goddess. An angel. Superior to the rest of us. I loved the flush on her cheeks from the heat of the shower.

She slowly walked toward the food and took a big inhale. She looked more clear-eyed but moreso I couldn't stop the growl at the sight of the healing black eye and busted lip. Her eyes snapped to mine and time stopped.

Chapter 8 - Zoe

I was falling way too fast and way too far in those gorgeous amber irises. Finally I tore my gaze back to the pasta.

"I thought we'd eat then talk. Make a night of it," his voice fills me up in a way I've never known.

I hop onto the stool with a nod. I wonder if this is what safe is supposed to feel like.

I don't know what possessed me in the shower but the heat and pressure had been divine and then without my permission my thoughts had wandered down the path of what if. What if I had more? A life? A love? A proper education? What if I could be someone that a man like Roman would choose for more than a night?

The thoughts continued to swell and build as we began to eat in silence. I could feel his eyes on me as I took my first bite. My eyes closed and the involuntary moan that left me was embarrassing.

My eyes flew to his but the pride I saw in them tempered the flush in my cheeks. Suddenly he was laughing and then I surprised myself as I giggled. My hand flew to my mouth but Roman just laughed harder so I slapped his shoulder.

"Don't make fun of me," I halfheartedly protested.

"I can't help it. You're enjoying it and that's not a bad thing..." His voice drifted off as he tucked my plain brown hair behind my ear. My second bite was paused halfway to my mouth as I turned to him and nuzzled his hand before I'd thought about it. The growl that came from him sent chills down my spine. I wasn't imagining the heat in his eyes and it had my core clenching.

Roman cleared his throat as he pulled his hand back and refocused on the pasta. I missed his heat instantly as I turned back to my pasta and continued to eat in silence.

Let Me Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें