~chapter 52~ remember how much...

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Warning: alcohol use

Dixie pov:
Noah left to get groceries and Charli comes down mascara all over her face "char" I say softly she wipes her face and ignores me "don't ignore me I know how it feels" "did I do something wrong" "What did I do to deserve this" I can't help but see my younger self in her making stupid mistakes over silly boys who deserve nothing from her

~time skip~

"Noah" I say hugging him "hey baby you okay" I shrug not knowing how to really feel "how's your mom" "she hasn't been out of her room all
day" I mumble into his chest "you stay here" he says taking his arms from around me and running up to my moms room

Noah pov:
"Miss Dam" I stand stopping half way through what I was saying to see her laying on the floor bottle smashed next to her "fuck" what do I do I kneel down "Heidi" I scream then I hear Dixie run up the stairs and Charlis door open fuck they both walk in and I see Charli Walk out "go see her I've got this" Dixie runs after Charli

Dixie pov:
Charli open the door "fuck this fuck everything I can't do this no more our family is falling apart our mom can't cope anymore and neither can I" Charli open this door now please don't do anything it's not worth it I promise you'll be stuck with that for life and it's not worth it open the door everything goes silent "CHARLI" I scream as I kick and hit the door "Charli" I whisper "I can't do this" I hear her say "you can open the door please"

please open the door we are all here for you" "I h-hate this feeling always being stressed then take it out like this I hate it more than ever" "I know and we are here to help so please open the door" "I-I JUST WANT SPACE WHY DOESNT ANYONE GET THAT"I'm getting so worked up when I could of been out there with the people who care for me

The flashbacks hurt like a open wound getting cut over and over again

Then she opens the door and I throw my self at her holding her in my arms "moms okay she just fell of the bed that bottle is old she stopped drinking for us remember" "but look at us Dixie" "I know but that's not her fault it's not yours mine no one's it's just something people get worse then others and if I could take that away I would for the world"

We sit on the floor and Charli falls asleep I place her in bed and sit downstairs with my mom and Noah as Noah is force feeding her I sit and watch as I'm falling apart inside seeing my mom like this

She eats and Noah joins me on the sofa he stays silent not even breathing loud enough that I can hear him and he puts his arm around me

I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes as I sit and drown in my own thoughts 'what did I do wrong to deserve such a fucked up family' 'will everyone be okay' 'it's to much' 'would it be easier if I wasn't here' 'I'm so much to handle'

"Hey stop it" I jump as he scared me as he breaks the 10 minute silence "huh" i say looking up at him "your breathing it's getting heavy everything's okay I've got it under control" he says kinda raising his voice

"I know" I say holding in everything i need to talk about my 'pain' is so overlooked everyone worries about me? When my moms life is falling apart Charli can't cope anymore

And Noah god knows he never opens up but I can tell he's stressed, exhausted and just needs a rest he looks so fed up his family is perfect and has none of this bullshit going on but he still sticks by our sides for all of It and I appreciate him so much for that...

Word count: 716

Sorry for the short chapter I'll be back posting every two days again soon just thinking of ideas

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