~Chapter 18~ funeral

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(Im gonna write these in a dif form as it's a lot of work to write it in my usual form)

Dixie pov:
It's been a week since me and Bryce spoke it was hard not speaking to my brother but I didn't appreciate the way he spoke to me but today is the funeral and I'm not mentally ready for this but it's now or never, Noah is on a flight over here right now and I can't wait to see him in person again it's been real hard without his kisses and cuddles but let's not think about that I'm more worried about the funeral today it's in 4 hours and I'm really stressing out, my mom and Bryce are arguing downstairs and Charli is on the sofa listening to it all so i head downstairs and sit next to her "hey char you ok" I ask as I pull her in for a hug "yeh fine just worried about these two right now" "hey don't stress about them focus on your self this is a big day for us all" i hug her tighter not wanting to let go until the doorbell rings everyone goes silent for a second I get up and open the door it's Noah, he drops his suitcase and bags and hugs me "hi baby I've missed you" "finally your here" I say under my breath squeezing him tight getting a smell of his scent god I've missed him "how have you been" he says letting go of me but I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso "woah bub have you really missed me that much" "mhm" me and Noah head upstairs while my mom and Bryce continue to argue we both sit down on the bed after I finally let go of Noah he gets up and puts his bags and suitcase in the corner of my room, he sits back and down "hey bubs you ok" after he asked me that I just cried I couldn't keep pretending like I was ok anymore it's killing me "no not at all my mom and Bryce are arguing before the funeral and I'm stressed about everything my family is falling apart right In front of my eyes and nothing is going right" at this point I couldn't get anymore words out my mouth I just wanted to forget about all my problems

Noah pov:
Seeing Dixie getting caught up in her emotions again kills me i pull her on my lap "hey look at me" I direct her face to look at mine "don't cry I promise everything will get better soon but it's very stressful for everyone" I sit and watch the tears flow from her eyes she wraps her arms around me and digs her head in my chest with her sobs getting louder each time "my family and everyone will be here in 2 hours why don't we get ready" "i-I" "hey take your time deep breathes" she sobs louder into my chest I'm glad she's letting it all out god knows how long she's kept this in "it's ok I'll wait" "I don't t-think I can do this n-noah" she struggles to say through her sobs "you can I promise I'll be by your side" all we Can hear is Bryce and heidi arguing downstairs she gets up and heads downstairs I follow her she sighs and looks very angry "CAN YOU BOTH STOP FIGHTING FOR FUCK SAKE ITS 4 HOURS TILL EVERYTHING HAPPENS AND YOU ARE HERE ARGUING " I go behind her and wraps my arms around her "IM SICK OF SEEING OUR FAMILY FALL APART MORE EVERYDAY" she says as she drops to the floor "please I can't see our f-family go on like this" I sit next to Dixie and put her on my lap I pull her in for a hug and she digs her head in my chest "Dixie is right we are falling apart and we need each other the most right now can we just put all our problems and differences aside Right now and be there for each other" "your right I'm sorry I love you all" I see Bryce and Heidi hug it out while Dixie sobs in my chest as we sit against the wall In the living room I feel Dixie squeeze me tight to the point I can hardly breathe "baby you ok" I look down at her "sh sh it's ok" i rub her back and rock her back and forth after 5 mins i get a text from my mom and she got on her flight early and she's on her way here "hey Dix should we go upstairs everyone is on there way here" "mhm" i carry Dixie up to her room and we sit on her bed in silence until she breaks it "noah I'm sorry for what happened downstairs I'm just not in a good place right now" "don't say sorry it's not your fault and I will do what ever it takes to help you get in a good place" "I love you Noah" "I love you more bubba" we kiss and get up I get my black suit out of my suitcase and dixie gets her black skin tight dress I turn around to see Dixie In her underwear and Gucci bra "I'm sorry bubs" I quickly turn the other way "it's ok bubba" I turn around and smile at her I'm glad she trusts me and isn't uncomfortable around me and wouldn't want to break that

~funeral time~

Dixie pov:
As we walk In and take our seats I feel my anxiety kicking in I didn't want this to happen right now I grab Noah's hand and squeeze it has hard as I could "hey bubs you ok" he says whispering to me in a calm voice no one could ever make me feel this way apart from Noah his voice made me feel safe "e-erm yeh I-I'm just scared this isn't what I want to be doing" "I know baby but I'll be right here for you i promise don't be scared to cry you can let it all out here and where ever you want to I love you baby" he kisses my forehead and I rest my head on his shoulder and I feel the tears flow down my face as I'm squeezing his hand and the funeral has started "today I'd like to welcome you to the funeral of Marc damelio" Noah stands up as he volunteered to talk during this funeral "we're do I even begin, Marc was a very special man to us all he was like a second father to me he always respected me and I always looked up to him but I thank him for trusting me with his daughter, Marc was a very funny man with his dad jokes and puns me and Dixie used to laugh at them all the Time while Heidi used to say that they were absolutely terrible but I honestly thought they were amazing but the one thing I'll Always remember is what he said to me when I told him me and dixie were dating and that was promise to take care of Dixie for me she really loves you and I know you would give her the world and I make that promise today that I will forever love Dixie even if she doesn't love me back and I'll always look after her you will be very much missed Marc" I look over at heidi to see her smiling and crying at the same time as I'm walking back I see dixie with her head rested on her hands as the tears flow down her face kinda like slow motion I sit next to her and she rests her head on my shoulder "I loved that bub and I promise I'll love you no matter what"

~time skip to the end of the funeral~

Noah pov:
We walk out of the funeral and back into the cars and they drive us home "Dix you do know your dad loved you very much" "I just wish he was still here" "he'll Always be with us" she sighs and rests her head on my shoulder I place my hand on her thigh and rest my head on hers "when we go home we will get changed and take a nap how does that sound" "that sounds amazing" she says In her sleepy voice as she snuggles up to my arm

We arrive home and we get out the car I look at Dixie and see her mascara all down her face she must of been crying in the car to I look at my blazer jacket and see make up all over it "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" "it's fine bub" we go upstairs "we are going to take a nap I'll see you all in a couple hours" we get in Dixie's room and Dixie takes of her dress and gets into bed with her underwear and bra on "hey bub aren't you going to put anything on" "I'm to tired I'll be fine like this now come cuddle" I take of my suit and unbutton my shirt I look around I'm Dixie's closet and find a pair of my sweats and a hoodie I put them on and get into bed I snake my hands around her waist and pull her closer to me I kiss her head "don't complain when your cold" "I won't" "night love" "night bubba"

Word count: 1619

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