~chapter 13~ its ok i promise

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Noah pov:
I hold Dixie in my arms as she crys

N: do you want to talk about it

D: I can't do this much longer Noah

N: don't think like that please

D: w-what am I supposed to say Noah that I can just get up and move on with my life well sorry to upset you but I can't ok? You would never understand

N: it's not about understanding dix it's about being there to help you and I know telling you not to think like that or to not say that it's not going to help but I can try and I promise to never hurt you or do anything purposely to hurt you but you have a hard time accepting that and I know that because I'm your best friend

She apologises a hundred times over but I know what she said wasn't meant to hurt me and it never I know how hard this if for her and it's going to be a hard process helping her Through it but I'm not ever going to give her up

D: I'm sorry this is just to overwhelming one second I'm ok and then the next i feel like I'm worthless and I hate it

N: what can I do

D: nothing

Dixie pov:
I get up and go into the restroom and lock the door I sit against the door and cry I feel like I could just scream

D: Fuck fuck FUCK

I slam my phone against the floor

N: Dix open the door

At this point I was crying so much I couldn't breathe until I hear Charli come downstairs I don't want to worry her so I try to hold it

C: dix please open the door we are all here for you

D: I h-hate this feeling always being stressed then take it out like this I hate it more than ever

C: Dix I know and we are here to help so please open the door


I'm getting so worked up when I could of been out there with the people who care for me but if I open the door now they are going to be embarrassed of me for acting this way

C: because space isn't what you need, you need someone Dixie

I hear the rest of the others come down

A: Dix it's addi we all care about you and we don't want anything to happen

D: nothings going to happen I promise

Noah pov:
I couldn't handle all this stress it was to much I know Dixie is having a hard time with this but I need her to

N: bubs please open the door I can't hear you like this it's killing me not being able to hug you and be there for you please open the door

D: I-I can't

N: why can't you

D: because opening the door everyone is going to be embarrassed of me I'm embarrassed of myself for acting this way

N: well don't be this is a very hard thing to deal with at this very moment and no one is embarrassed of you I promise

D: I'm sorry

N: don't say sorry

D: why did I act that way

N: Dix it's your emotions getting the better of you


This hurt me so much so I get one of Dixie's hair clips and pick lock the door as we had only just thought of the idea I unlocked the door but Dixie is sitting infront of the door

N: Dix you don't understand how much this is killing me

She gets up i open the door and she runs and throws her self at me she can barely breathe until she collapses in my Arms I sit down with her keeping her close to me

N: I want that to never happen again if you need to cry then cry if you need a hug or a cuddle just Come to me I love you so much

D: I-I'm s-sorry for a-acting like t-that

N: it's ok, take deep breathes

Everyone: we will leave you guys alone but we all love you dixie

I squeeze her tight as she crys uncontrollably in my arms gasping for air in between her crys I don't know what caused all this stress but what ever it is I want to help her get over it or forget it, she sits up and looks at me while the tears flow uncontrollably I kiss her head

N: let's go to bed

I take us over to the couch as I don't want to take her upstairs in this state, Charli comes down and sits with us and she hugs Dixie, Dixie let's go of me and hugs her back Charli then lays back and Dixie lays her head on charlis chest and puts her arm around her, 10 minutes later they are both asleep in the same position I put the duvet over them I put my hand on Dixie's leg and rub her leg (not in a sexual way btw) soon later I fall asleep with Dixie's favourite blanket

~time skip 2:35 am~

I feel Someone get on top of me and dig there head in my neck I know it's Dixie so I whisper in my tired voice

N: bubs you ok

D: yeh I just missed your kisses and cuddles rubbing my leg wasn't enough for me

N: do you want your blanket I was kinda cuddling it

D: no it's ok

N: mhm night baby

D: night bubba

I kiss her forehead and pull her further on top of me I put my hands around her and rub her back I Then see char get up

N: hey char you ok

C: yeh just getting a drink and I'm guessing dixie went to you

N: yeh about 2 minutes ago she Missed my cuddles

C: at least she's sleeping now

N: yep

Charli gets back on the sofa and goes back to sleep

N: night char

C: night Noah

Word count: 1074

I'm sorry for that very sad ep but it will become more happy very soon I promise and thank your for over a hundred reads this amazing for my first story!!

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