15 Years After New Berk

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The Night Fury: Part One

Cold wind prickled Hiraya's eyes and stung her cheeks as she stared at the large grassy, mountainous rock formation in the middle of the ocean right before her eyes. She had travelled far, almost froze to death on many occasions and been imprisoned albeit being successful in concealing the night fury that voyaged alongside Hiraya. Armored and wrapped in the softest, warmest furs and strongest leather she could steal the coin for, she adjusts the cloak of multiple dark blankets threaded together which were stolen from a Thor-sent family who left their blankets near the hearth to warm them. Unfortunately, they would have to find new ones. The dark midnight sky could not conceal the night fury's glowing eyes, especially Kailha's jade purple red eyes. Kaihla, slowly blinking up from her warm spot in Hiraya's lap sat up to take in the same sight. Hiraya smiled brightly and pet Kaihla happily giving a light kiss to her forehead. "We are here mahal." Pushing the boat closer to the beach, "We are really here..." Hiraya stands in the boat and pulls away the garnet thick bear skin scarf wrapped around her hair and neck suddenly feeling the warmth of hope finally stepping onto the sand. Abandoning her thin, tropic dresses, she found the cold refreshing but missed her elegant ensembles at the island. But this couldn't wait.

"Mamahal, we made it!" Hiraya exhales dumbfounded over the long-stretched beach, the sand that rose uphill going into the forest, the towering rocks and mountains- at the top where faint light hides. Kaihla slowly emerges from the blankets, knocking over a bag of pears over. Inching over uncomfortably onto the sand and she decided to try the water. "Sun?" Flinching, the night fury jumped back and snuggled under Hiraya's arm for safety where she laughed. "You seem to be cold mahal, wait soon, I will start a fire. Bring your blankets and rest under that tree."  drowsy eyed, collected the blankets under the tree as Hiraya collected 3 large calico bags of food, supplies and water. Not to mention her kalis sword, two copper kalambits from her lola and lolo, her arnis sticks which she has strapped on her back in a cross and two throwing knives in her bracers. Taking off the blankets and two thick bear fur hood cloaks, she starts strapping even the smallest knives in the pockets of her leather fur metal armor. Even though she is the one to civilly seek the great chief of the Vikings who sat harmoniously beside dragons for years, she must be prepared for anything.

Fifteen years after dragons started seemingly 'disappearing' means that those who bare witness a dragon now must take it and sell it for all the coin in the world. Hiraya met Kaihla  as a adventurous six year old, sixteen years ago. Hiraya, heir to her father's role as Chieftain of her tribe and a leader of the warriors, journeyed a little too far to the water where she found a baby night fury stranded in a rock pool and the poor things wings were damaged. Young Hiraya thought to quickly assist the small dragon by bringing it back to the village where her father, with no real prejudice to dragons but knew it was dangerous, immediately refused, but gave in after his daughter cried the whole day. They were then open to the dragons, raising them, caring for them but nothing was enough to fix Kaihla's wing. 'Till an evil man named Grimmel passed through their home declaring to be the legendary night fury killer, promising to 'kill every last one' before sailing to a place called 'Berk'. The tribe hid the dragon with Hiraya in a secluded volcanic cave, where she named her dragon "Maikai! Like the mountain Maikai where I have found you! The bravest dragon ever!" Though there were alterations with the g, little Hiraya giggled and that began another remarkable relationship between the rare night fury and the strong-minded heiress.

So, Hiraya is to meet the man who started it all.


This story is dedicated to Filipino heritage because I don't see Filipino representation a lot with Asian stories. This isn't accurate Filipino pre-colonial information, it is loosely based on it.


Hiraya > hih-r-eye-ya
Suno >  soo-no
mamahal/mahal > similar to 'dear', 'darling', 'precious'. |
lola, lolo > grandma, grandpa
kalis sword > double-edged blade, which is commonly straight from the tip but wavy near the handle.
kalambit > curved knife resembling a claw
arnis sticks > Filipino martial arts fighting weapon

Where No One Goes: 15 Years After New BerkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora