Chapter 24

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My ears started to ring and all i saw was dust. I only saw people's mouth moving but i didn't hear anything. After while it finally started to become clear again. I stood up and started trying to find my way out but then i saw Megatron and the other Decepticons.

"Lennox! I need a gun!" I yelled to him.

"What?!" He yelled to me because he didn't hear me.

"A gun!! Now!" I yelled again and he grabbed something behind him and threw it towards me and i tried to catch it.

The threw was too short so i needed to go get the gun.

"seriously?" I asked when i looked the gun. It wasn't that cool what the soldiers had but it was ok.

I saw Cade running and Vivine behind him so i knew if Cade's there then i can go too. I made my way clear and started running and soon i ran past Cade and they we're behind me.

"Y/n!" I heard Lennox yelling to me but i didn't look back. I just kept running but then they started to fire again so i stopped and was behind some metal thing. I saw Lennox and others coming towards me and then they were already next to me.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled to me

"Trying to save this planet!" I yelled

"It's Viviane's mission!" He yelled

"I can help! Don't try to stop me because you know i won't stop!" I yelled and he was quiet.

"There's the ignition chamber, dead ahead!" Lennox said changing the subject.

"Air cover not coming. Unable." Morshower said to the radiophone.

"Push right to the crater! Let's go!" Lennox ordered. I started running so fast i could towards the crated and i almost burried myself into the dirt. I saw ship flying above us and k heard thud behind me.

"Pinned down with the Hound!" He said and started shooting around. I felt much more confidence when Autobot's were around.

"No way. Where's Optimus?" I heard little further away what Cade asked.

"They said he never made it." Lennox responded and i froze.

"Bullshit!" I yelped because i don't believe that kind of crap anymore.

"We're pinned down!" Lennox yelled and he made it sound impossible like we already were losing this.

"Negative to target. Unable to advance." Lennox said to the radiophone.

Suddenly Izabella started running to other way.

"Get back here, Izzy!" I heard someone yelled to her but she didn't listen.

"I'll be right back!" She just yelled.

"It's just a cluster effin' thingamabob!" Hound said

After while of shooting and i was almost out of ammos, it started to feel like losing now but i didn't want to quit!

"Infernocus, transform. Kill them!" I heard Megatron ordered and then there was a huge Decepticon.

"You got to ne shitting me?" I asked and then looked Hound.

"I don't have enough ammo for that thing." Hound said.

"Hound! We can't quit!" I said to him.

"Dear... Do you see that?" Hound asked

"Hound! When did you become a wuss?" I asked but then we heard shooting and i looked up and there was two ship's flying above us.

"Bee.." I whispered and i smiled softly. I was happy that he was alive.

"Bee and Hot Rod are down! Autobots down! Where's Prime?" Hound asked

"Nobody is down! Not yet!" I yelled and i looked again to the battle field. I wanted to go further but i didn't want to get shot.

"Lennox team, we are pulling you out. Mission's over." I heard Morshower said trough the radiophone.

"No..No!" I said

"Laze targets for incoming strike fighters. Then i'm ordering you to bail." Morshower continued.

"Roger that. Picture's up." Santos said

"We got a net target! Three o'clock high!" Santos said and i turned to look at it.

"They're gonna bring that whole thing down on us." Lennox said

"Hey! We're not giving up on Prime, okay? He's gonna be here!" Cade said

"They just changed the whole plan. We can't get inside." Lennox said

"What?" Viviane asked.

"The operation is over. We stay, we're dead." Lennox said

"No! I'm not leaving!" I yelled

"Everybody, grab your chutes, we're bailing!" Lennox yelled

"No!" I yelled.

Lennox was looking at me.

"Y/n i'm not asking! It's an order!" He yelled to me.

"Stop! We are not gonna quit! Not now! We're almost there! I'm not leaving!" I yelled back to him.

Lennox grabbed me from my wrist and looked at me.

"Listen to yourself! You can't do anything! It's over!" He said.

"NO!" I yelled and i detached myself from his grip.

"I'm not gonna lose you too! I lost your father and it was enough!" Lennox yelled and that was the first time i heard him like that.

I was quiet but even what he just said to me i didn't want to leave.

"Laze the target!" Lennox ordered.

"Move, move, move!" Santos said

"Let's move!" Lennox said and i was still sitting on the ground.

"Y/n!" He looked at me and then pulled me up and pulled me behind him.

"Let's move out! We for you covered! Move!" Hound said and i just looked at Lennox's back and then i saw Bee.

"Bee!!" I yelled and i swinged my arm to other way to get away from Lennox and i started running towards Bee.

"Stop! Y/n" Bee yelled to me but i kept running.

Then i heard roaring and i stopped on the middle of the way.

"Optimus.. It's Optimus!" I yelled and i started smiling but right before that i was pulled away by Bee.

"You- still are- crazy! You- almost- got killed" He said to me while shooting and dodging the ammos.

"Not changed even a little bit!" I said and then I saw Optimus he hit on the ground and did the superhero landing.

"And they said he never make it!" I yelled to Bee.

Optimus was fighting the Decepticons and then he pushed his sword through the bigger Decepticon.

"You ugly mess!" Optimus said

"Did you forget who i am?" Optimus asked

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