Chapter 1

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So... Where do i start? Yes i'm still with Autobots well basically i live with them now and Cade is with us.

Also we have more Autobot friends and Cade also hired some dingdong guy with us and i don't exactly even know what he is doing but yeah.

My car skills are better now and still i haven't find good voice box for Bee.

The last time i left from home well i haven't go back because well they're looking for us so we are kinda hiding now AND saving the Autobots who are coming to earth even that Optimus left.

And no we haven't heard anything about him but i hope that he is still alive.

So the thing is that Autobots are unwanted to Earth and well they created a force group to hunt them down. Its called Transformers Reaction Force so TRF. Fun fact i know some men from TRF... anyway

So basically in short words Transformers are declared illegal on Earth.

"Grimlock.. stop." I said to him and i continued walking and tried to find the adjustable wrench.

"Okay Hound come here!" I called to him because they're also trying to help other Transformers and well he got in little accident

"Be careful dear" Hound said to me

"I'm always careful" I said and i opened his chest plate and pushed my hand inside to reach some wires..

"Wait for it!" I said to Hound who was trying to leave and then i heard loud thud and i lifted my head and then i hitted my head on Hound

"Ouch.." i murmured and scratched the back of my head

"I'm going outside" Cade said to me and he grabbed few things

"Be careful and please save even one.." I said to him

"I'm trying my best.." Cade said and tapped my shoulder.

"Oh right.. Bee! You too be careful!" I yelled to him when he was already on his altmode and roared his engine. I smiled and waved at him. Cade climbed up to his car and and they started leaving.

"Hound what do you think? Will they save someone?" I asked while pushed my hand again to look the wires

"They're doing their best.. okay now dear hurry i need to go.." Hound said to me

"To where?" I asked while cleaning my hands out of oil

"To outside... I promised to Cade go help them.." Hound said and was about to leave

"Okay okay just one thing..." I tighten the screw that some wires would stay inside the some box. I cleaned my hand again and pushed the chest plate close

"Okay you're ready to go now." I said smiling to him and cleaned my hands

"Thank you dear.. See ya later" Hound said and he was already leaving.

I looked around the place and i saw Grimlock doing something but i didn't even bother to say anything...

"Gosh everyone are so busy all the time" I said and looked out side

"Did ya find anything?" I asked from Drift and Crosshairs

"Nothing.." Crosshairs said

I'm trying to find right voice box for Bee that he could get his own voice back.

I was looking outside and i heard loud thud again and i turned around..

"Jimmy c'mon... How many times i need to tell you that don't touch my stuff?!" I've told him the same thing atleast 5 times in this 1 week..

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