Chapter 21

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I wanted to close my ears because i didn't want to hear anything but also i wanted to just hug Bee. I pulled my arms around Bee's neck and hugged him and he was still holding on me.

"Cade!!" I heard how Viviane yelled to him and i knew she was also looking at me. I wanted to look because it was Cade and Optimus we were talking about.

"You -don't need -to look.." Bee said to me but i was keeping my eyes on Cade.

He was running closer to Optimus.

"You betrayed your own kind." One of the knights said to Optimus.

"No, Prime, get up!" Cade said to Optimus.

"You chose the wrong side." The knight said to Optimus.

"The Guardian Knights are going to kill me." Optimus grunted after one of the Knights hit him again.

Those words hurt my soul again.

"Quintessa is the great deceiver!" Knight said and hit Optimus again.

They started to beat him up again with no breaks.

I turned my face away from them again when the beating started. I saw how Viviane looked at me and her eyes were worried too but i knew he was just worried about Cade...

"The judgment is death." I heard what the knight said and then i fastly turned my head to see them again and everything was moving like a slowmo movie scene.





The only word which was echoing in my head. Then my mind was blank again.

"No!" I yelled and tried to use the my last power to get away and everything still was moving like a slowmo.

I didn't even say anything i just wanted to scream all the pain out but it felt like i've lost my voice..

I closed my eyes because i didn't want to see it. I didn't want to see it when they are going to kill him.

Then i felt how Bee started to run towards them. I knew he couldn't just watch it from the side. Bee was running and trying to fight the Knights.

I thought it was too late until Cade randomly stood up and the Talisman suddenly transformed into sword. He raised the sword and it hit together with the Knight's sword and there was blue lights coming out of it.

My eyes were wide open and i was confused.

"What the fuck just happened" I thought

The Knights stopped and they started to back off.

My body felt numb.

"Bee." I whispered and tapped his servo.

"I-can see - it." He whispered back to me and then he fastly ran towards Cade and Optimus.

Cade looked the sword in his hands and then the knights raised their swords up to the air.

"Seglass ni Tonday." The knights repeated.

Optimus tried to get back on his feets.

I tapped few time on Bee's servo and he knew what i meant. He put me down and i tried to ran towards Cade with my numb legs.

"Cade.." I mumbled and i threw myself into his hug.

"Don't cry, please." Cade said and he hugged me and same time he kissed top of my head.

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