Chapter 24

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Sorry it's so late but I'm not home and the WiFi is pretty bad here.

Scarlett's POV

"Why did she pass out doctor Montgomery?" I ask in panic. This can't be good. "I need to check her out, but I think it was just too much for her body. She had an intense labour and her body is shutting itself down so it can recover," dr. Montgomery answered my question. "Scarlett, are you okay with staying there. I'm gonna give you a few wet towels, could you keep them in her neck. She still needs to deliver her placenta but she has to be awake to do that," dr. Montgomery says. "Elizabeth, do you wanna hold your niece?" She asked Lizzie. "Yes, yes please," Lizzie almost starts crying when she holds her niece.

Once I get the towels I start rubbing her back too, hoping she'll wake up faster. Her heartbeat starts to go back up and it's a little irregular. "Y/N, I'm with you, you are okay," I say as she starts to wake up again. "Y/N, I know you feel terrible, but I am going to need a few more pushes. You still need to get your placenta out," dr. Montgomery says to her. "No please, don't make me do that, I can't, I'm exhausted," she cries to me. "I'm sorry baby, you have to do this. I know it's hard, but you can do this," I reassure her.

She delivered her placenta and she fell back onto me. Her body couldn't take it anymore. I just sat there and calmed her down. "Y/N, do you want to hold your little girl?" Lizzie asked her, she nods, but I know I need to support her. She's so weak after the birth, the little girl gave her a very hard time.

We were holding her. I mean, I was holding her and Y/N was crying and admiring her little girl. "Give her back to Liz, it's okay, you can get away. I need to sleep, I can't take it anymore," Y/N said. "No Y/N, you have to feed your little girl first. Maybe a name too," dr. Montgomery said to Y/N. "Liz, could you take the little girl so I can get out of her bed?" I ask Lizzie, she nods and takes her niece.


I was exhausted after the birth. I knew the perfect name for her. As soon as Scarlett wasn't behind me anymore I got my baby back in my arms. "I know her name, Evelyn Olsen," I say. "That's a beautiful name, Y/N," Lizzie says. "Thank you Liz and for short I'm gonna call her Evie. Can I feed her and go to sleep after that?" I say, the last part is directed towards dr. Montgomery. "That's okay Y/N. You need lots of rest," she answers.

After I fed my sweet Evie, I gave her back to Lizzie and went to sleep.

Lizzie's POV

Evie was so cute. I could hold her forever, but they needed to do a few more test because she was born early. Y/N fell asleep as soon as she gave Evie to me and laid down completely. "Hey, Scar, can we get something to eat please. I'm starving and Y/N needs to rest either way."

Scarlett and I went downstairs to the cafeteria and talked about lots of things. "Scarlett, you know what scared me most today?" I ask her. "No Liz, I can't read your mind," she says trying to make me relax. She jokes a lot when she's nervous herself. "What scared me the most today was Y/N admitting she couldn't have the epidural because she got addicted. She had to figure that one out on her own because I didn't notice," I start to cry.

Scarlett came over me to give me a hug. "Oh come on witchy, did you turn all soft now?" She asked me. "Wait? Witchy? Why would you call me witchy?" I ask too confused to continue crying. "Because you are a witchy Miss Maximoff," Scarlett says laughing. She seems glad I stopped crying. "Oh no, you are bad miss Romanoff. But we should stop with those names or we'll make ourselves known."

When we finished eating we went back up to see how Y/N was doing. She was still sleeping, but little Evie just woke up. "Hey sweet girl. Your aunties are here. Don't wake up your mommy okay, she's in pain and needs to sleep. Give her a few more minutes of sleep, after that you can eat," I say when I pick Evie up. I start walking and rocking her. She falls asleep again. I'm glad she gives her mama the sleep she deserves.

I walked around like that for another 15 minutes when Evie wakes up again. She starts crying immediately. "It's okay baby girl, you are safe. Let's give your mama some extra sleep," I whisper to Evie. Unfortunately it didn't work out. "Okay, let's wake Y/N Scarlett. This little girl is hungry," I say, but Y/N already woke up. "Liz, could you give me little Evie please. I think my baby is hungry and my boobs are hurting," she says laughing.

She feeds Evie and she just has some cuddle time with her. She needs to bound with her little girl too. "Y/N, quick question. Does mom already know you had your baby? Otherwise I'll call her now," I ask Y/N. "Uh no, didn't really think about that Liz. If you don't mind calling her, could you do it for me? I'm really exhausted. I want to sleep for a a little while longer," she asks me. "That's no problem. Scar will stay with you just in case okay?" I ask her. "That would be great. Scar, could you come lay with me and rub my head or back please. It always calms me down and I'm really anxious right now. I mean, I'm a mom now,"

I called mom to tell her the good news. She would bring Ash and MK too, she wanted to get here immediately. I told her to wait till the next morning. It was 9 pm now and Y/N was too tired to get any visitors. Scarlett and I were allowed to stay with her tonight. Also because Y/N couldn't get out of her bed by herself. She tried and collapsed. I hated seeing my little sister like that. She was in pain and I couldn't do anything to help her. She wasn't allowed on any morfine because she was breastfeeding. All she could get was a paracetamol. Sometimes I hate hospitals.

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