Chapter 22

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Scarlett's POV

As I lower her belly I feel all her muscles in her belly tighten. Oh no, she's not going into labour right now, is she? I hope not. That little girl should stay inside for a little longer, she needs to grow. If she stays in for at least 3 more weeks she's going to be all fine. Earlier will cause a few problems and a NICU stay I guess. "Y/N, are you okay?" I ask.

She just keeps breathing in and out. After two minutes I see her calm down again. "Uh yes, I'm okay. This little girl should stay inside a little longer. I'm okay, just a Braxton hick, I'm fine," she says. "Oh you said you'd bring me to Liz. Can we go now please. I think I should get myself checked out just to be safe afterwards," I hear her say. This Braxton hick gave her a lot off stress.

"Come one, let's go find Lizzie. She's waiting for you," I say as I give her a side hug. We're walking towards their trailer. I see Robert, the Chrises, Jeremy and a few other Avengers.  "Well done Y/N, now enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy," I whisper. She goes to the others. They all hug and congratulate her.

"Y/N, I got some champagne for us. You want to open it?" Lizzie asks. "Liz, that's rude, you know she can't have it," I say, a little annoyed. "Omg Liz, you are amazing," I hear Y/N shout and she hugs Liz. "What do you mean?" I ask really confused. "We have an alcohol free champagne so we can all drink it," Lizzie says. She seems proud of herself. I must admit, she thought that one through.


That Braxton hick gave me a little scare, but I'm all set. The nursery is all done, I think it's really sweet. It has all neutral colours and a few cuddly toys and lots of clothes. I blame Lizzie and Scar for that, they can't stop shopping.

After we drank some alcohol free champagne, which I thank Lizzie for, I was done. "Liz, can we please get home. I am done, I want to call my gynaecologist to check me too," I say as I collect my last things. "What's wrong? Why do you want her to check you?" Lizzie is really confused. "I've been having a few Braxton hicks a day and I just need to know I'm all good," I respond a little worried, she should stay in a little longer.

~~ two days later ~~

I was really glad she had an open spot for me so soon. She's coming over in a few minutes. Liz and Scar are shopping for my little girl again and I am not allowed to drive anymore. I'm okay with that though, it's too uncomfortable to drive now. I don't feel safe behind the wheel so I always let myself drive. If I can't I try to rearrange the appointment or let them come to me.

I hear the bell ring. I get up, which is getting more difficult every day. I kinda wiggle like a pinguïn now, but I'm glad my gynaecologist arrived. "Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" She asks as she comes in. "I'm okay, just a little stressed. I've been having a few Braxton hicks a day now. They start to become stronger. I just wanted you to check me out," I answer as I'm having another Braxton hick.

"Well I guess this is what you meant," she says laughing. "This is not funny at all," I say annoyed. She laughs even more. "Sorry Y/N, but it is. Can we go somewhere where you can get undressed and lay down for me please. I'll do a full checkup so you can stop stressing," my gynaecologist said. "Yes, we can go to my bedroom and I'd like to lose some stress and enjoy the last few weeks," I answer her with a little laugh.

I was stupid enough to sit down at the couch. The couch is been an absolute nightmare when it comes to getting out of it. "Do you want a hand Y/N?" She asks. "Yes please," I answer, a little embarrassed. "It's normal to have a hard time standing up. Especially you, you're belly is big, that's okay, just makes some tasks a little harder," she answers me. That calms down my nerves.

As we get upstairs she does a full checkup. "You are 2 centimetres dilated, I think you need to slow down a bit and try to lay down as much as possible. Your baby is in the right position so a natural birth shouldn't be a problem," she answers me. "That's good. One question, is it bad that I'm already at 2 centimetres? I still have 6 weeks to go," I ask her, it's a little scary. "Y/N, don't worry about that. That's pretty common, it just means you need to slow down a little. It also means you should stop working, that's too much for your body," she adds. "I finished two days ago, so the work thing won't be a problem," I say. I hear the door open and Liz and Scar got home.

"You can get dressed, I'll go downstairs and tell Elizabeth what I just told you," she says as she walks away with all her stuff. When I'm dressed and downstairs again my mouth drops. "Scarlett and Elizabeth can you two please stop spoiling this little girl," I say kinda annoyed. This little girl is gonna love her aunts more than her mom if they continue like that.

"Are we in trouble?" I hear Scarlett ask Liz. "Uh maybe, she just called me Elizabeth, didn't she?" Liz asked even more confused. "Hell yes I did call you Elizabeth because this is way too much Liz," I reply still kinda shocked. "Y/N, I'm leaving. If you need anything just call me okay. When you think you'll go in labour, call me and an ambulance. Don't drive there yourselves. Also for the two of you, a lot of accidents happen when people drive themselves to a hospital," my gynaecologist says as she left out home.

Not in labour yet, but when will this little girl arrive? Or will she stay until she's due? I hope everyone still enjoys this story and if you have any tips/suggestions/recommendations feel free to let me know.

The troubled OlsenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora