Chapter 13: The Unlucky

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Marik played the monster card The Masked Beast Des Gardius with it having 3300 attack and 2500 defense, a monster you came across from Yami and Kaiba's tag duel. "It's higher than Mai's monster." Joey clenched his fist as Marik ordered his monster to strike Mai's monster but before he even had the chance, Mai revealed her face down card to show he trap Mirror Wall which reduced Marik's monster's attack by half and it was low enough for Mai's monster to strike it down. However, you knew its special effect once it was destroyed. "She can come back from this." You told Joey but mostly yourself as you both watched Mai's monster be snatched by the left behind mask that took over Mai's monster and brought it over to Marik's side of the field. He now had a total of 2550 life points after that move from Mai but he wasn't done yet since it was his turn still which he took his opportunity to use his Remove Trap spell card to erase Mai's trap card off the field that left her with nothing on her end.

"You haven't won yet Marik, I am just getting started with you." Mai sneered but it only made Marik snicker to her threat. Pulling out his millenium rod and pointing it towards Mai "And I am just getting started with all of you." You flinched at the sight of the millennium rod "Don't you dare Marik!" Marik glanced over to you and grinned "Oh what I am about to do is so much worse. You'll take me more seriously afterwards you damn wench." Marik lifted his rode up to the air "With a Shadow Game! Let the Shadow Game commence!" a maniacal laugh came from him as the area around you became darker and gloomy, it surrounded the entire area around you all. "What the heck is all of this?" You mumbled as you looked around and back at Marik with narrow eyes "What did you do Marik?!" Marik put his millennium rod in his belt to be out of the way. "He created a shadow game . . ." Yami said with fear in his eyes when you looked at him. That shadow game, Joey mentioned to you before. He didn't say much because he preferred for you to not know about it. "What the heck does that even mean?" Jane asked out loud from her thoughts while looking around at this foggy but negative place. "You seem a little out of the loop (Y/n), Mai." Marik grabbed your attention back "This domain we are in is called a Shadow Realm where there is more at stake than just a duel. Your very soul being is at stake here!" You froze.

"Y-You're lying! That type of game doesn't exist!"

"He isn't lying . . . (Y/n)."

You met eyes with Yami whose eyes were stern but gleamed with truth. He wouldn have never agreed to Marik's words if it wasn't true. You wanted to deny that but you knew Yami well enough to not question his judgment of something of this caliber.

Marik grin grew as he saw your face fall into the realization of this terrifying power he possessed when you looked at Mai. Mai's duel disk was shaking as she was scared but she clenched her hands into a fist to make her hand stop shaking. She toughened up and glared at Marik "You're all alone up here, they are down there. No one is going to help you." Mai didn't want to show how scared she was. "You are right on that Marik, and it's also up to me alone to kick your ass so I have no time to be scared. I draw!" Mai hissed at him as she drew her next card from her deck. Mai looked at her hand and made her next move "I summon, The Unfriendly Amazon and play a face down, ending my turn with a direct attack from her to you!" Her monster had 2000 attack and 1000 defense and she sent her monster to attack her controlled monster. Destroying her monster in the process and taking down Marik's life points down to 2350 points.

Her attack didn't seem to put him on edge but instead he was laughing at her attacking him. Mai was confused from his reaction and she noticed how her monster was glawing a purple aura around them 'Why is her monster glowing like that? ' you thought as you stared at the monster then to Mai. "I am so glad you attacked blondie. You just wiped away your own memories of someone you hold within your mind as she was originally your monster. In other words, each monster destroyed on your field then a memory of a person from your life is destroyed with it. It goes the same for me as well but I digress." Mai was too stunned to speak when he mentioned to her this big consequence of this duel's actions.

Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Yami Yugi × Reader) (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora