Chapter 16: Farrell Quinn

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Lara fetched the steaming hot pies from the semi-closed oven. The aroma of freshly-baked apple pies invaded her nostrils as she carefully place them at the table.

About an hour ago, Eloise instructed the duchy's chefs that they will use the kitchen and everyone left with the Duchess' words. She was actually curious why the mistress had to put the effort at cooking when she could simply order the chef to do it. But on the other hand, Lara also wanted to help as her way of compensating for what occured the night before.

At first, Eloise wants to lead the cooking process but she doesn't seem to fit in the kitchen. She clumsily fumbles and spilling everything. The noble lady clearly doesn't know her way in the kitchen. In the end, Lara asked the Duchess to let her handle it.

A pleased smile was plastered on Eloise' lips as she stared at the delightful pies in front of her. Her eyes are gleaming with astonishment as she nodded at her personal maid.

Looking at her, Lara cannot help but to recall the conversations she heard early this morning. The events last night had spread like wildfire. Everyone in the duchy was talking about how brave their mistress are last night for saving a noble at the festival. With a tone of pride, they reenacted how the Duchess skillfully pulled a bow and arrow to shot the assassin. They were all amazed and taken by surprise. Afterall, their mistress was always soft-spoken and kind.

Where did she learn how to wield a bow?

Lara wondered. It wasn't common for a noble lady to have such skills. But thinking of the Credieu household who excels in archery, it might not be that weird at all. Someone might had taught her in the past for self-defense purposes.

Placing the pies in the basket, Eloise and Lara made their way to the training grounds where the knights are currently sparring.

Spotting the mistress heading towards their direction, Reagan who seems to be leading the training gave a signal and everyone stopped to greet the Duchess.

"Your Grace-" Reagan's words were interrupted when Eloise gestured her hand and shook her head.

"I know what you're about to say and everything's already settled. I am here for another purpose."

"What brought our lady here?" Dean, who was also with her last night interrupted.

His bright eyes and full smile seems like the awkward atmosphere between them before already dissipated.

Did my reputation lightly shifted in just one night? How absurd.

"How are you feeling, Your Grace? Have you recovered well?" Another knight asked who also appeared familiar but Eloise failed to recall his name.

"I'm alright. Thank you for your concerns."

Eloise still couldn't believe the sudden change of treatment she receives. Back then, the knights treated her right but they are always walking on eggshells. They would simply greet her but never initiated a conversation like this before.

"You should've just summoned me to the office. There's no need for you to personally come here." Reagan suggested.

"Ah," it was then that Eloise recalled what she brought with her that morning, "Actually, Lara and I brought something. Please share this with everyone during your break."

Hearing the Duchess' words, Lara passed the basket to one of the knights and everyone swiftly gathered with curious eyes.

"But, Your Grace. How could we have something meant for our Lord."

Huh? Why are they suddenly talking about someone whose not even here.

"It's okay. The Duke is not here. And this pies are prepared for you."

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