Chapter 8: Hearts and Flowers

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Maybe it was months after getting married, Eloise gradually felt comfortable around Nathaniel. She began to understand and get to know him better.

He was a wise man and a good leader.

He wasn't the kindest, but he was compassionate.

He was cold and aloof but she knew it was because of the heavy burdens he carry as the Duke of Fleiss.

It was hard for her to trust anyone because of her past, but Nathaniel never treated her wrongly. In fact, he was always considerate of her despite their political relationship. And Eloise could not help but to fall for him.

Yet, she did not have the courage to voice out her feelings. She was afraid of being a burden like what her father engraved to her mind. What could a wallflower's love offer to someone like him?

Having nothing to offer in return, she chose to admire him in secret and stay by his side for years.

"Ahh!" Eloise was startled when she bumped with a servant as she turned in the hall. Her mind was clouded with thoughts and she didn't notice the presence of the servant.

She was about to look for Knox and ask about the preparations for the remodelling of the garden but she knew that she was also at fault. She can summon Knox and wait for him inside her room but she chose to do it by herself because she doesn't want to use her authority.

The maid turned pale in an instant and her hands were shaking as she bowed her head, "I'm v-very sorry, Your Grace. This servant deserves punishment."


Eloise didn't felt the pain immediately. Because of her pain tolerance, she couldn't react at first when she saw the blood in her feet as the shards of the broken pot littered on the floor.

"I-It's okay. It's not your fault." She forced a smile to the maid to console her as she saw her eyes watered and was about to cry because of the accident.

"What's going on here?"

Eloise was taken aback when she heard that familiar voice from behind. The owner of the voice took quick strides towards them and scanned the situation.

"Are your eyes just an accessory!? Stop being an airhead while working." He said with a pissed expression as he reprimand the servant.

Eloise felt bad knowing she was at fault but the servant was the one who took the blame.

"I'm very sorry, Your Grace."

Nathaniel touched his forehead as he tried to control his anger and glared at the careless maid who caused the mess.

"I-It's not her fault. Please let her be. I was also at fault for not being cautious."

Nathaniel heaved a sigh but he was still coldly looking at the servant who was nervously looking down her feet.

"Summon a practitioner here."

"Y-yes, Your Grace."

"A-ah no, I just need to apply an ointment, Your Grace."

Nathaniel just looked at her with furrowed brows before he instructed the servant to bring an ointment instead.

She was about to take a step away from the shards when the Duke stopped her.


Before she could even react, he already gathered her in his arms and sat her in the sofa at the receiving area.

EloiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora