~Knock Knock~

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(A/n, just a quick head canon for you I always imagined Ghirahim and Vaati as frienemy's/rivals, anyway Please enjoy reading.)

"Well hello there, miss me?" A voice said behind the door you were at the other side of the room so you didn't see who it was. Vaati looked.... unhappy with whoever was at the door and glared at him "What are you doing here?!" Vaati said with a low snarl "Now, now that's no way to greet an old friend!" The flamboyant voice proclaimed and opened the door letting themselves in.

And stepped into the room was a tall man with a red cape with gold diamonds, he wore a strange white outfit that shows quite a bit, he had white short hair swept to the side of his face showing only one eye. "I don't know why you're always like this, Vaati!" He pouted as he walked to the middle of the room leaving the door open "You know I rarely ever visit your sad little cabin and all." he smirks.

Vaati sent a poisonous look at the stranger and slammed the door closed making you jump. "What do you want, Ghirahim?" Vaati said the one called 'Ghirahim' looked around the room with a hand on hip "Come now Vaati, you know I don't wan-!" Ghirahim stopped mid sentence as he made eye contact with you and suddenly smiled.

"Oh? What do we have here?! A little hylian!" Ghirahim looks back at Vaati "I see why you're so mad about me showing up now!" He laughs and approaches you, he picks up your hand and plants a kiss "Dear little hylian, forgive my manners my name is Ghirahim, and what is your name cutie?" He winks. Flustered with his sudden change in tone you try your best to answer "I'm um Y-Y/n." Ghirahim smiles at you and opened his mouth when Vaati comes and takes your hand out of Ghirahim grip "Did you need something Ghirahim? Business I presume?"

The to keep eye contact the mood suddenly turns serious Ghirahim nods at Vaati "That's right I think you'll like to hear what I have to say." Ghirahim's voice lost the playfulness it had just moments ago making chills run down your spine. "Let's head to my study than." Ghirahim nods at Vaati suggestion and walks ahead, turns to you winks "Till next time little hylian~" and then leaves you and Vaati as he goes to the study. You turned to Vaati hoping for an answer some sort of context to help understand the situation.

"Sorry Y/n, I think it might be for the best if you went to bed for now... I need to take care of this." Vaati said this with a straight face and his voice was sturdy "I uh..." You look at Vaati wanting to ask a million questions and more but seeing how serious he was you sighed and nodded "Okay Vaati, I understand." You frowned and went to leave the room when you realized that Vaati was still holding your hand! You and Vaati both looked at your intertwined hands when Vaati brings your guys hand's up to his lips and lightly kisses it "Sleep well, Y/n." Vaati let's go of your hand and quickly makes his way to the study leaving you alone with a heavy pounding heart and mind full of thoughts and questions.

You where about to go to your room when the door suddenly opened making you jump and turn to see Shadow enter. "Shadow?! Where were you?!" Shadow jumped at the sudden questions being at him as soon as he walked through the door and put a hand to his chest. "Sheesh, Y/n! What's up with you?!" Shadow frowned "IknowyoujustgotbackbutcanIasksomequestions!!" you blurted without a breath Shadow looked at you like you were crazy.

Shadow grabs your shoulders "Huh? Y/n take a breath! Than tell me what's going on." you nod and take a couple of breaths "Are you feeling better now?" Shadow looks at you with concern "Yes sorry about that." Shadow sighs "Let's sit down first." You and Shadow sit in the kitchen both with a cup of tea, the moonlight shined through the window showing you just how late it was. "Okay, hit me what happened?!" You look at Shadow unsure where to start, do you say how you almost kissed Vaati or maybe about how this strange Ghirahim person just appeared!

You explain to Shadow about Ghirahim leaving out the whole almost kissed Vaati thing. "Ghirahim's here?" Shadow frowned intensely he put a hand on his face and sighed "I don't want to deal with that weirdo today!" Shadow whined "Y/n, Vaati right it's best for you to go to bed for now." Shadow got up and cleared the tea cups from the table "I'll fill you in tomorrow, I'm to tired right now. I was quite... busy today." You look at Shadow and frowned "Alright fine. I understand, good night Shadow." Shadow nodded at you and gave you a weak smile "G'night Y/n!" Shadow said trying to seem more cheerful than he was.

You lay in your comfortable bed wrapping your fluffy blanket around your tired body in hopes you would fall asleep. But you lay wide awake thinking about how busy a day you had Shadow went somewhere without saying where, Ghirahim shows up like he owns the place, and you and Vaati... you blush loudly as you shook your head to rid your mind of what could've been if you didn't get interrupted. Still your mind wonder there anyway as you thought about how soft his lips might be and how he smiled oh so sweetly at you, you pulled the blanket over your head groaning, embarrassed about what was going through your head at the moment.

The floor creek as you heard two pairs of feet walk the hallway, snapping you out of your inner thoughts. You pulled the blanket off of your head and stated at the door hearing the low mumbles of voices on the other side you sit up with wide eyes and quietly as possible moved closer to the door, with hopes to hear whatever it is that the men could be talking about. You slowly lean with ear on door, the steps move past your room and the low voice of Ghirahim "So what do you plan to do Vaati?" Ghirahim asked his voice seemed to have a mix of curiosity and concern your eyes widened at his words, a sigh was heard "I'll figure it out, be sure of it." Vaati voice was determined a chuckle presumably from Ghirahim "I see you think being stubborn will help. Somethings never change~" the two walk out of range and after a few minutes you hear a door open and close and footsteps return to the study.

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