~Something's Up...~

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------ Time Skip ------

It was as nice of as day as it could get in the the dark forest, the cabin was quite and filled with a calming energy. It's has been a couple of months since you moved into the cabin you help out with housekeeping and occasionally with whatever Vaati is researching at the time.

Shadow is often in and out of the cabin weather to get food or to do a mysterious errands for Vaati. You prepare lunch alone in the the kitchen, it has been a nice living there and was always fun when the three of you were together! Today was a beautiful day and seems normal Vaati was in his study, Shadow was out doing errands, and you where in the kitchen but a weird vibe hung in the air and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen today... you just couldn't place your finger on what was going to happen.

The study's door opened and Vaati walked down the hallway despite his best efforts he couldn't shake the weird vibe that seemed to be in the cabin, Vaati see's Y/n preparing lunch "I wonder if Y/n feels it too?" Vaati thought but shook it off and decided against asking in case it might worry her. Vaati didn't want to worry her he only ever wanted her to be happy. He blushed but shook it off and cleared his throat he didn't want Y/n to misunderstand him or anything!

Y/n turned around and smiled at Vaati "Hey! Vaati what's up?!" Y/n said "Y/n, I just finished my work... for now at least." Vaati said with a nod "Do you need help with anything? I'll gladly be of assistance if need be." Y/n giggled "Really?! Than can you cut these veggies for me? You're really good at that!" Vaati smiled at her and sighed "As you wish." And got to work.

Vaati and Y/n talked happily together as if to try and get rid of the weird feeling that's in the cabin that day. "Well, well, well, look at the happy couple~" Shadow said quite amused he laughed when you jumped in surprised and Vaati keep working and sighed annoyed at Shadow's persistent teasing, ever since you moved in Shadow always been teasing you two and liked to pull parnks on you. Shadow was like a brother too you!

Shadow picks up an apple from the fruit bowl "Don't worry Vaati! I'll leave you two be I just wanted a snack than I'll be out." Shadow bit into his apple, Vaati looks at him curiousity "'Out'? Didn't you just come back? Didn't you finish your errands?!" Vaati grilled him Shadow just shrugs "Don't worry about it your errands are done. This is just a... Personal thing." Before anyone could ask anymore questions Shadow quickly leaves "Do you think he's alright Vaati? Shadow seems bothered about something." You look at Vaati he looks deep in thought, you wonder what he was thinking... Vaati just sighed "I wouldn't worry about it... Shadow always does strange things." Vaati went back to what he was doing but the worry was building up. You decide it might be better to just listen to Vaati but the air in the cabin was tense and no one knew why!

After that nothing happen and evening fell and Shadow still hasn't returned! You tired not to worry but stayed near the door incase Shadow comes back. "Maybe there is nothing to worry about, and Shadow is going to come back with a cheeky smile of his and tease me again..." You thought as you sat by yourself Vaati returned to his study he said he had some unfinished work to do. You sigh feeling both worried and kinda bored! "Are you waiting for Shadow?" You jump and turn to see Vaati there "Vaati?! You scared me!" You put a hand to your chest feeling your heart pounding "Sigh Y/n there's nothing you need to worry about, whatever Shadow is doing he can take care of himself." You look at Vaati "But aren't you here too see if he came back yet too?" You watch him closely Vaati blushes ever so slightly and looks away "N-no! I just came too check on you..."

Your eyes meet and Vaati extended his hand to you to help you up the chair "Y/n shall we go have tea in the living room together? I'll make your favorite and we can wait together." Vaati said sweetly Y/n looks at his hand and nods as she grabs it, Vaati pulls her up from the chair and their stand together in front of each other not letting go of each other hands. Vaati slowly leans closer Y/n follows Vaati lead there nose to nose and Vaati whispered softly "May I kiss you?" Y/n smiles "Yes". You close your eyes and feel Vaati near his breath on your lips Knock Knock Your eyes snap opened and you jump in surprise you look at Vaati and it seems he had the same response both of your faces are beet red Knock Knock you look at Vaati he glared at the door and takes a deep breath "I'll answer it." He said very clearly unhappy with what just happened You nod not wanting to argue. Vaati goes to the door and opens it "Well hello there. Miss me?"

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