~A New Life?!~

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The next morning Y/n wakes up in the unfamiliar bed, rubbing the sleeplessness out of her eyes *yawn* Y/n sits in the cozy bed as she remembers the events that transpired last night. "That's right... Shadow. I wonder what was up with that last night? Is this his room than?" Y/n finally got up off the bed and opens the curtain and it's not as picth black outside anymore but it's still dark like there is a fog coating the woods. You can't hear any noises perhaps the two of them were still asleep, you carefully open the door trying not to make too much noise in cause you might wake them up.

You walk in the cabin and looked around too see if anyone was up, nope! No one was awake surprisingly it must be earlier than you thought. The cabin seemed to be filled to the brim with books about this and that and everything in between, you wonder if Vaati would let you read any? (One can always hope!) The cabin was also rather dusty too you've would have figured it would be cleaner if Vaati was always at the cabin anyway. Making your way to the kitchen you open the fridge and looked inside wondering if you should do something for breakfast...as a kinda thanks for helping you.

Y/n sighs and starts making the breakfast "I'm thankful to Vaati for helping me out buuuutttt, at the same time I wouldn't mind staying after all nothing goes on for me anyway!" Y/n thinks while she plates the breakfast "This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me! Which is a little sad because so much happens in the outside world but never to me." Y/n puts the plates of food on the table "That being said, Shadow mumbled something when he was in the doorway but I didn't hear what! It's bothering me I should ask him later." Y/n looks at the set table ready for the three of them to have breakfast but than realized that she was the only one up! A blush heated her cheeks "Oh, I wasn't really thinking and was doing things on audio mode oop~" Y/n sighed once again.

A door opened and Y/n looked behind her and saw Vaati enter the room "Good morning Vaati." Y/n greeted him Vaati looked at Y/n than at the table set with food "Good morning..." Vaati said seemingly rather surprised "Y/n you didn't have too. I'm surprised you made such a nice breakfast for us! I know I didn't have much in the fridge." He appeared a little embarrassed as he said this Y/n blushed and avoided eye contact "Uh sorry for going through your fridge without asking!! I hope that the food is too your liking." Y/n refused to look him in his intense red eye. Vaati chuckled "Well don't worry about it darling, the food looks good so you don't need to apologise." Y/n looks back to see adorable smile on Vaati's face which made Y/n heart skip a beat. Y/n and Vaati make eye contact and look at each other in a comfortable silent. . . Ahem! Both of you turned around to see Shadow looking at you two suggestively "Am I interrupting something~?"

The three of you were you sitting and eating breakfast together, but, you and Vaati had a blush on your face your face was much redder than Vaati tho. You three ate breakfast in a awkward silence when everyone finished eating, you started cleaning up the dishes you made eye contact with Shadow and he smirks at you and starts laughing Vaati shoots him a dirty look "What are you laughing at?!" Vaati growled and Shadow just smiled back "Shadow, I do believe you have something you need to say to Y/n." Shadow rolled his eyes and gets up and starts helping with the dishes. You look at him curiousity as you start washing Shadow looks back "Sorry about scaring you last night, but, in my defense! I didn't think anyone would be sleeping in there, it's just a spare bedroom after all and I didn't want to walk all the way to my own bedroom I was too tired." Shadow explained while drying a plate "My room is on the other hallway on the other side, I prefer it that way!" He gives me a silly smile, you return the smile it made sense he probably just wanted his own space and you got that. "You did give me quite the fright last night. But it does make sense that you wouldn't know I was there." Shadow sighed in relief "But I do need to ask you something. What was it you said when you came in?" You asked as you pulled out the plug from the sink and emptying the water out. Shadow put the towel back and nodded "Oh yeah, that? I just said..." Vaati walked up to you two interrupting what Shadow was saying "Thank you Y/n, you didn't need to make breakfast and do the dishes, but, I hope things with Shadow have been cleared up at least?" Vaati looks between you two and Shadow rolled his eyes and glared at Vaati "Come on now it's not like you where really worried about that!!" Shadow shakes his head "You're just trying to use me to make yourself look good." Shadow sighs and looks to both of us and smirks "I have stuff to do so I'll just leave you two..." He slowly walks out of the room "Alone!....By yourself!... With no one else!" Shadow stopped at the doorway looked back at us and laughed with a grin on his face he winks and seemly disappeared from the doorway.

Your face flushed red "What's up with that?!" You thought to yourself, you peak at Vaati in the corner of your eye, he did not look very happy with Shadow although you didn't blame him. Vaati shook his head "I apologized for Shadow he is a little... strange, but that's just the way he's always been." Vaati turns over to you "How did you sleep? I hope you're feeling well enough for the walk back too the edge of the forest?" As Vaati said this you realize that you had hoped to stay a little while longer to explore the bigger than it seems cabin and to get too know Shadow and Vaati better... expressly Vaati. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Vaati asked worriedly as he leans closer to your face. You instantly blush and back away from him "O-o-oh!! Sorry, I was zoning out! I umm I didn't mean to worry you!!" You look away in embarrassment "I see! Well I..." "Oi Vaati!!" You both jump away from each other in shock to see a angry looking Shadow "What's up with these books?!? I nearly triped to my death?!" Shadow waved a very thick look book in his hand, (must be some kind of dictionary?), Vaati looked very displeased "If you have any problems with my literature just move them over. You know that Shadow." Vaati glared Shadow didn't appear to appreciate that "Why don't you just put these things away for once?" Shadow snarled back. Vaati and Shadow glared at each other intense showdown "I could help clean up if you need help?!" You said in a panic, both men look at you once. "What?" Vaati said "I'm just saying if you need help...I could help! I wouldn't mind helping I'm kinda curious to see what type of books you have... you do have so many after all!" You start rambling hoping that you make at least a little sense, Vaati and Shadow look at each other "What do you say Vaati? Ya got a ton of books so the more the merrier, right?!" Shadow goes in cheeky tone, Shadow puts an arm on your shoulders "Y/n could be helpful and if we're lucky she'll steal a book or two and save us some time!" Shadow chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows at Vaati.

The three of you walked to the room where Shadow claimed to have almost 'fell to his death' you've arrived at the room it was a type of storage room or maybe a archive? The three of you start cleaning up and organizing and you find many interesting books history, magic, conspiracy theories, Legends, and ect. at one point Shadow groans quite annoyed with the boring work Vaati sends him a sharp glare "Sorry I interrupted your date, I'll try not too next time so don't glare like that alright?" Shadow stated loudly in the small room "It wasn't a date don't assume!" Vaati said in a scalding tone your face flushed "D-da-date?!" Embarrassed by Shadow's sudden statement. "Ignore him Y/n Shadow has always been rather... Dull minded." Vaati said with a snarky tone. . . "Wow Vaati!? I'm surprised!" Shadow laughed soon the room was filled with laughter with the three of us.

By the time the room was clean, organized, and all in order nighttime was about to fall again the three of you sat at the kitchen table drinking tea and relaxing. Shadow finished his tea and put his cup in the sink "Well! I'm off I have some things I need to do!" Shadow nods at you "Till next time Y/n." You nod back at him and with that he disappeared back into the cabin leaving you and Vaati alone again. "I apologized for that extra work are you alright?" You nod "Yes! I'm fine I can't think of the last time I had fun cleaning like that!" You smile at Vaati feeling quite pleased with yourself and all the hard work you did. Vaati looked surprised "Really? Than I'm glad, well you be alright staying here for another night? I'm sure you have people missing you?" Vaati was worried for you and it made your heart beat "Actually I don't have any one who would miss me..." You and Vaati had a moment of silence "Then if it's alright with you... Could you stay with me... and Shadow! That is if you want to if not I'll still bring you back." Vaati with a soft look in his eye and his tone was carefull as to not be forceful You look him in his eyes and nod with a light blush on both of your faces.

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