Extra Chapter: This is your boyfriend?!

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„I know you want the best for your daughter but I can promise that I'm not as bad company as you expect me to be. I don't take any drugs apart from alcohol and I only drink beer because I don't like the effect booze with more alcohol in it has on my behavior. And I will definitely not force Sofia to do anything, especially not something like getting a tattoo because you couldn't easily get rid of it if you eventually regretted it", Niko explained calmly. I had no idea how he could stay this calm and quiet while I was really angry and I was sure that inwardly, he was just as annoyed and upset as I was. I admired him for being able to stay this calm and controlled.

By now, I was able to say something again and since I couldn't keep my anger to myself anymore, I – without wondering if that was a good idea – decided to just tell her that it was too late now anyway. „Niko is right, he would never try to convince me to get a tattoo. Quite the opposite, even before I got to know him I liked tattoos but I never dared to talk about it or think more about it and my style in general because I was afraid you wouldn't like it. But the more time I spend with the guys who'd never judge me for my style, the more I realized that it is what I want, what I am. And therefore, I didn't need Niko to convince me that tattoos are nice, I wanted to have one myself, too."

After saying the truth after months of hiding what I truly liked, I took a deep breath and pulled my sleeve up a bit. „I decided to get this a few months ago and I haven't regretted it a second. In fact, I look at it daily and every time I see it, I'm glad I did it. I love the way it looks, I love the words and I love the meaning. And I'm incredibly happy the people I think about when seeing this, the wolfpack, are part of my life. I couldn't be happier about being friends with Tommi, Niko, Joonas, Joel, Olli and Aleksi."

Now my parents were the ones to be speechless. My mom went into the kitchen where she sat sown on a chair. „Oh come on mom, it isn't that bad", I mocked. Although I was kind of making fun of my mom for needing to sit down, I somehow understood her. I hated arguing and today when I had already been tired when coming home, it was even worse. I felt extremely exhausted but I knew we eventually had to have this conversation so I figured that now that I already started it, we should also finish it.

„Not that bad?! Sofia! It is that bad! You destroyed so many chances for your future! I knew Niko would have a bad influence on you since the day I found who he really is!" „Mom, I already told you that it was my own choice, my own wish to get this tattoo. And with a long sleeve, I could even hide it, if I wanted to. Niko doesn't have a bad influence on me, neither do the other guys. I am happy, mom, isn't that what's most important?" By now, I only sounded annoyed, I didn't have the power to talk loudly or yell anymore. I only wanted to be able to snuggle up to Niko, listen to his heartbeat and calm down.

Niko, I thought. He stood behind me during the whole argument and said barely anything. He must feel even more uncomfortable. The family of his girlfriend was arguing about him being a bad influence or not although they didn't even know about the relationship yet. A scenario I wouldn't wish anyone. I could bet that this moment, Niko wished to be somewhere else, as far away as possible. Or maybe he wished he could just disappear. But unfortunately, he stood here, behind me, and had to listen to all these mean words my mom was using while my dad silently sat next to her.

„Mom", I tried it again as she was still looking at me with a gaze of anger and disappointment. „You like Tommi a lot, right? You always liked him because he protected me. He tried his best to protect me from those who bullied me" – when saying that, I didn't mention that the best friend of the girl who even wished me to be dead was Niko's ex girlfriend – „and he still has an eye on me whenever we go to a bar together which sadly doesn't happen often anymore. He was the one who introduced me to his band members who are his best friends at the same time. He wouldn't have done that if he had thought that it would have a bad impact on my life."

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang