What a pity!

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So, here it was. The day I had to get up early again because university started again. When my alarm clock rang, I unwillingly opened my eyes. I always had problems getting out of my bed, especially in winter when it was still dark outside when I got up. My inner me always told me it was still night because the sun hadn't risen yet but actually, it was already so late I had to hurry up if I wanted to arrive at university on time. However, today my struggles were even worse. A few months ago, I was kinda looking forward to going to university because I knew I'd see my best friends apart from Tommi again. Even though we had never been really close, I liked to see Janne, Freja, Hilla and of course Anna again.

Now that I have my best friends apart from Anna in Oulu and also realized how friends truly behave – they text you to keep in touch, something that even Olli and Aleksi regularly did but Janne, Freya and Hilla had never done – I didn't look forward to seeing them anymore. Yeah, it was cool to see Anna again, but if I had the chance, I'd instantly take a train to Oulu and go back to my real friends: Tommi, Niko and of course all the other Blind Channel boys. I already missed them a lot even though I've saw them only a few days ago and had even called with Niko for several hours. The bad mood this had caused made it even harder for me to get up now.

Eventually, probably half an hour after my alarm clock had rung, I was finally successful at forcing myself to get up. But since I was late by now, I could only quickly wash myself, eat two slices of bread with cheese, brush my teeth and then I already had to leave my apartment and rush to the bus station. Half an hour later, I arrived at the university in Helsinki and made my way to the right building. My first module today was psychology of childhood and youth, one of those I shared with Anna. I could only see her standing in front of the tall building.

„Hey", I hugged her when I reached her. „Hey! Girl, are you ready for the next period of studying a lot and leaving your free time, hobbies and family behind?", she joked. „No, I'm not but I guess I'll be thrown in it in a few minutes..", I answered laughing. I truly wasn't ready but this was what studying at the university was like for me.

A few minutes later, Janne and Freya arrived as well. Since Hilla didn't have this course with us, the four of us entered the building and sat down in the last seating row in the huge room. Professors hated when people sat there but today was the first time we saw each other and we probably had a lot to tell each other – even though I already knew I wouldn't talk about Niko while Freya and Janne were sitting next to us because I didn't want them to know a lot about me. And since Niko was directly connected to my taste in music and what I thought who I was, I didn't want them to know about us.

As I had expected; Anna, Janne and Freya talked a lot about what they had done the last weeks and if something had changed during the time we hadn't seen each other. Turned out that not a lot had happened, only that Janne had broken up with his girlfriend. But apart from that everything seemed to be like before. Even the fact that I didn't say a lot while the others were talking their mouths dry stayed the same. Until Anna tried to involve me and asked me about my birthday. „Sofia, isn't your birthday in about two weeks? Already plans how you'll celebrate?", she asked curiously and by that, she managed to worsen my mood even more.

No, no plans. But what I do know is that I won't celebrate my birthday with this group of people. Because if I'd do that, I couldn't listen to the music I'd want to listen to, I wouldn't talk a lot because there aren't many interests we share. And to make it even worse, everyone else would drink a lot and try to convince me to consume that toxic liquid as well. No, this is truly everything I wouldn't want for my birthday. Having a nice evening with the Blind Channel boys, that would be cool, but unfortunately impossible because they couldn't come here and I couldn't go back to Oulu because of university. What a shit.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now