She always wanted me to be her son-in-law

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Usually I said goodbye to him before leaving Oulu for a few weeks or months, but this time I had totally forgotten about that because I was so busy spending as much time as possible with Niko.

Poor teddy bear, how could I forget him?, I thought and instantly I was mad about myself because I forgot my best friend, my teddy bear who definitely didn't deserve to be forgotten. And how should I tell him I was already on my way to Helsinki? He definitely wouldn't understand there is something that keeps me from hugging him goodbye. Apart from the truth, maybe. But I didn't want to tell him about that...

„Hey, Sofia! Didn't you say you'd go back to Helsinki today? Will you take a train later and do you plan to come over in the afternoon or did you forget your best friend? :( ",

I read. Oh no, that poor man! I knew he wouldn't be mad at me but definitely sad or disappointed. 

„Hey... I know it hurts, not only you but also me now that I think of you, but I took the train that took off about two to three hours ago",

I answered and felt my heart breaking into pieces. I felt so sorry for my best friend! We were best friends, we were very important to each other. The fact that I forgot him probably hurt him, even though he surely couldn't ever be mad at me. And that hurt me...

„So you forgot ur teddy bear?",

Tommi's message appeared only seconds later.

„Yeah, I did... Sorry :'(",

I answered and I really meant it. I was so sorry, I couldn't put it into words. How could I forget my best friend? I just couldn't wrap my head around that.

„It's okay. I know you wouldn't forget me if there wasn't something else occupying every single cell of your brain :)".

Reading these words made me sigh out of pure relief. He wasn't disappointed, he knew how important he was to me and that I definitely didn't want this. Fortunately!

„Exactly... Yet I feel so sorry. And a tight Tommi-hug would have been good for me, too",

I answered. Of course, I had my Niko-hugs that were at least as comforting as hugs from my teddy bear but they couldn't replace them. Seeing my best friend again and hugging him would have definitely been good, especially now that I couldn't see him for a while. But we couldn't change it, I guess I simply screwed it up.

„Well, who wouldn't like to get some hugs by a teddybear? Yet there are only a few special people who'd get them. But now that you stood me up, may I know what occupied your mind so that you couldn't think of hugging me goodbye? Let me guess: It's a man",

Tommi asked. Well, I definitely didn't want to tell him about spending the whole day and even the night with Niko or a man in general but I guess he was right, he deserved to know the reason for why I had forgotten him. Even though he indirectly told me he was fine with me being close to Niko, I felt like it bothered him. I didn't know what it was, if he still wanted to protect me or maybe he was also afraid of losing his position as my best friend. I haven't met him the last weeks but what Niko had told me seemed to prove my feeling: Tommi seemed off and distant near Niko and if I was mentioned, his mood seemed to decrease. At least that's what Niko had told me.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora