Three coffins would be expensive

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30 minutes... That's not a lot, I realized as I thought about Niko's words again. I went to the kitchen quickly and bit the apple I had wanted to eat earlier. While I was eating my 'breakfast' as fast as possible without swallowing it accidentally. I could see my parent's question gaze and I knew I had to explain them why Niko had called that often. But I also knew that it would take some time so I couldn't tell them now. Instead, I decided to be honest and tell them Niko'd come before he was already here. My parents were more understanding than I had expected in relation to the last evening and Niko calling that often, so I wanted to be kind too.

„Niko'll be here in about half an hour", I informed them between two bites. Of course my parents couldn't understand why a man visited me on a Sunday morning but I promised them to explain everything later which luckily was fine for them. After I had finish eating my apple, I rushed upstairs, picked some fresh clothes and took a quick shower. Usually, I dried my hair before I got dressed because I didn't want my wet long hair to wet the clothes but today I changed my routine because I was afraid I'd still be naked when Niko arrived.

Apparently, that was a great idea because when the door bell rang, I had just got dressed and started to dry my blonde hair. When I heard the familiar sound, I switched the hair dryer off, quickly put my still wet hair in a messy bun and almost ran downstairs to open the door. „Hey", I smiled as I saw the – compared to me – tall man standing in front of me. „Hey", he answered before we found ourselves in an awkward silence. I wanted to hug him but I knew how curious my parents were and that the could come in the hallway every second and I didn't want them to see me hugging Niko tightly to greet him.

That's why I only took a step back, opened the door further and that way let him in. After Niko had entered the hallway, I slammed the door to close it because otherwise it often doesn't close properly while Niko put his jacket off. As soon as I heard the sound of the door closing, I heard steps and a few seconds my mom opened the door to the kitchen and came in the hallway. „Hello", she greeted him, „you must be Niko". Why is she that curious? It's so annoying!, I thought hoping that she'd let go of us quickly. But of course she didn't, it became even more embarrassing.

After Niko had nodded, 'she assumed' that he was the man who was guilty for me being at home at half to one. Why mom, why?, I thought and closed my eyes for a second. Luckily, Niko didn't seem to be bothered that much. „Yeah, probably I am. I'm sorry for that. Next time, I'll make sure she's at home earlier", he promised. At first I was annoyed because I didn't want that we met shorter because of my parents but than I realized what his words also meant: He wants a next time. He wants to spend another evening with me.

Noticing that made me smile slightly and forget my annoyingly curious mom who luckily left after a few more seconds standing next to us without saying us. I took his jacket to hang it in the wardrobe before I gave him a sign to follow me. Behind each other, we went upstairs to my small but cozy room. As soon as he had closed the door, we took a step towards each other. „Before we do anything else, I need to say 'hi' properly", Niko whispered before he pulled me in a tight hug and started stroking my back.

I wrapped my arms around him before I tiptoed to be able to rest my head on his shoulder. „Even though the reason for you being here isn't a good one, I'm happy to see you again", I whispered after wondering if I could say that or if that would be weird. But since Niko had said indirectly that he wanted to see me again, I decided to be honest with him and show how happy he made me. „Me too", he said and I could hear him smiling by the way his voice sounded.

I definitely enjoyed the hug and didn't want to destroy our mood but I felt like I needed to apologize now before I'd forget it. That's why I whispered an apology while still hugging him. „I'm truly sorry for not writing you! But don't worry...I'm fine", I said and loosened our hug a bit to be able to smile at him. „I know", Niko answered and smiled, too. Questioning, I looked at him. Why could he be that sure I was fine? Before I could assume anything, he answered on my thoughts as if he had read them.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat