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When I opened my messenger, I could see that I was right, I had gotten messages, twelve messages in three chats to be precise. As expected, Anna and Tommi had texted me, but to my surprise, the other message came from Joonas. What didn't surprise me though was that nobody from university had texted me to congratulate me to my 22nd birthday although they all should know my birthday. Apparently only Anna had thought of me but I honestly didn't expected anything else. This only proved me we weren't that close friends because they didn't even care about me when it was my birthday.

Even though I was the most curious to read Joonas' message, I decided to first answer Anna and Tommi in case they were already worried because I hadn't texted them since yesterday evening although I usually respond to my messages quite quickly. And well, maybe I also wanted to keep myself curious by trying to fight against the urge to quickly open Joonas' message. Thus, I started by opening the message Tommi had sent me around two hours ago.

Hey, I hope you had a great birthday evening with Niko. You can tell him I didn't go the hotel in case he's wondering. Anna offered me to come with her and that's what I did. But don't worry, I didn't use your friend to have some fun ;).
I'm now visiting my grandparents, I guess it's a good chance too see them again, now that I'm already in Helsinki. I plan to drive home this evening. So, if you and Niko are able to let go of each others, we can meet at 6 pm where we parked the car ;) Enjoy the day with Niko and see u later!"

This message made me smile instantly. Not only because Tommi had spent the night at Anna's but especially because of his words about Niko and me being able to let go of each others – or maybe not being able to do that. I knew this evening would be hard for me because I already missed Niko now that he was only away for a few minutes to plan my tattoo. So, how should I deal with not seeing him for a week until I'd see him again on the birthday party of his sister where we couldn't even spend a lot of time alone, just the two of us?

As I noticed that my mood worsened by the thought of saying goodbye to Niko this evening, I tried to push it away and responded Tommi instead. After thinking for a second what to text him and if I should tell him where Niko and I were now spending our time at, I decided to simply respond to everything he had texted without telling too much about Niko and me.

„Hey, I definitely had! I hope you had fun, too. Thank you for making my day a lot better by visiting me. It truly did me good to see you and Niko again.
Say hi to your grandparents from me! I haven't seen them for a while by now, last time was at you birthday, wasn't it? Oh and I'll tell Niko tho I'm not sure whether I'm able to let him go haha. See you this evening :)"

The next chat I opened was the one with Anna and oh boy... I knew she was curious and she could text a lot when she wanted to get more information about something but I didn't expect her to send me this many messages.

„How was your night?"
„Mine was good, Tommi slept at mine but don't worry, there's nothing going on between us."
„But now back to you. What was going on between you and Niko?"
„Did you sleep with each other?"
„I kinda figured you both were in the mood when you were kissing in the kitchen so... Just tell me :D"
„Still no message? Since you're with Niko and he seemed to be very protective – btw, he passed my test yesterday, I'd approve him as your boyfriend – I don't think I have to worry about you."
„You still haven't been online. I guess you're busy again? Oh Sofia, there's a lot you have to tell me on Monday!"
„I'll go to work now, you'll have to tell me everything later, but I can't wait until Monday! Just call me when you've got time for me again ;)"

Oh yes, Anna definitely was curious, however, she was wrong with her assumption. Well, we had kind of started to sleep with each other but we didn't finish for good reasons and I was convinced this wouldn't happen again so I thought it was a better decision to not tell her about it. She probably wouldn't stop talking about it anymore and would try to convince me sex was fun and I should finally try it. I can definitely do without that. Thus, I decided to simply text her „No, we haven't slept with each other so there's not a lot to tell you. We spent our time with better things, for example talking, cuddling and sleeping ;)" which was not wrong but not the whole truth either.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now