Depends on your reaction on what I say

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The next days passed quite quickly. I spent the time going to university and studying a lot since I had to catch up on everything I couldn't study last weekend when I had celebrated my birthday and had been in Helsinki with Niko. At university, Anna, Hilla, Janne, Freja and Joe were around me most of the time. They seemed to get along very well and by now, the whole group seemed to be good friends with Joe.

Sometimes I was even convinced that they as a group of friends with Joe were better friends than I was with them since they seemed to have so many insiders. I didn't know how many lectures they had together but somehow they seemed to have clicked instantly and became close friends. This week, they spent every of their lunch breaks together, talking and laughing about stuff I had never heard about before.

But they didn't only spend all of their lunch breaks together. On Wednesday, Hilla had a photo of her, Janne, Freja, Anna and Joe sitting in a car in her Instagram story, saying „Quality time with my favorite people. So happy to have you guys in my life!". And well, this was not the only Instagram story they shared. Janne and Freya had also shared some stories of the five of them but all of these stories were posted on different days in different locations so apparently they had met quite a few times.

Not that I expected me to have found very good friends in them but still it hurt to see them so close and to find out about their close friendship only because of their Instagram stories. Especially I was disappointed in Anna and maybe also in Joe because I thought we were good friends and the fact that they didn't invite me or at least care to tell me about it made me feel unwanted. Like someone who at university tried to join the group but the group doesn't want the person to be close to them.

But luckily I was not alone anymore, luckily I knew there was someone. And the moment I sat on my bed, saw the fourth story in a row of my so called friends enjoying the time without me and started to tear up, I felt someone's arms being wrapped around me. „I guess that are the other people you hang out with at university?", Niko asked quietly. As I nodded, he sat down behind me, rested his head on my shoulders and tried to comfort me.

„Don't care about them, they are not worth it. Maybe Anna, she seemed to be an honest friend, but not the other ones. Especially not the one who posted this story. And Sofia, shall I tell you something? The time I spend with you is nothing but quality time with one of my best friends. I'm so happy to have you in my life. You deserve better than such friends. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to isolate you from other friends, if they do you good than hang out with them but I feel like they only hurt you and I what you to be happy..." By now, the tears in my eyes weren't caused by the hurt anymore but by Niko's lovely words. Slowly, I turned my head around to be able to kiss him. „I don't get you wrong", I whispered before I kissed him another time.

Although Anna and Joe kind of hurt me, too, I was happy to have them around me because probably they were my only friends I had at university. At least they were the only ones who seemed to be interested in how I felt and what was going on my life. They hadn't told me about meeting without me but at least both of them had checked on me regularly and asked me how I felt. And they didn't upload or repost those Instagram stories because they probably knew seeing them would hurt me and the way I knew Joe and Anna, they didn't want to hurt me, unlike Hilla, Janne and Freja who didn't seem to care about that at all.

At home, I of course spent most of the time with Niko. Sometimes we went for a walk together, sometimes we enjoyed our time just cuddling and sharing some kisses but usually we cuddled while he helped me studying and listened to me trying to repeat the most important information. That's exactly what we were currently doing. Niko's one hand was laying on my back, softly stroking it, in his other hand he held my notes. My head was placed on his chest and while listening to his calm heartbeat, I told him everything I remembered about psychology of childhood and youth.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now