They'll like you

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The next morning, I woke up to something softly touching my cheek. A smile climbed onto my face as I noticed it was Niko who caressed my cheek while his other hand was still wrapped around my back. „Good morning", I whispered before I opened my eyes. But suddenly Niko pulled away, mumbling „sorry". Shit, I definitely hurt him yesterday. Otherwise he wouldn't be so distant right now, would he? To show him I wanted to feel his touch, I snuggled up to him and rested my head against his hand again. „Good morning, darling", Niko now finally answered quietly. „Have you slept well?" „Not really. It took me quite a while to fall asleep", I answered honestly. „Oh no, what kept you awake?", Niko asked worriedly. „What happened yesterday evening, Joe, what he told me and our talk in general."

„I see... Then let's forget about that and have a great day today, okay? We have a few hours left until our train will arrive." „Mhm", I mumbled but before I could say anything else, I could feel Niko's lips on mine. He hesitated a moment before he tenderly moved them against my lips while the hand that had been caressing my back before found its way to my hair. „I will definitely miss these mornings", he whispered into my ear after I responded to his kisses just as softly before he kissed his way from my ear to my cheek to my lips and eventually to the crook of my neck.

„Hey, that tickles!", I complained but instead of answering, Niko suddenly started to slightly suck my skin and he only finished when a sigh left my lips. „A hickey? Seriously?" I shook my head and giggled quietly. The man who had caused my skin to turn reddish looked at me and grinned cheekily before he simply answered „yes". After softly kissing that spot again, he placed a kiss on my forehead. „This whole Joe thing left some marks on me, too. I wanna be the only one making you feel certain things. I know we're not in a relationship and I'm not your boyfriend but.. I don't wanna share you", Niko whispered and looked at me apologizing.

„You're the only one, Niko. There's no-one else I'd trust enough to physically and mentally uncover myself in front of. No need to worry, you won't have to share me", I told him and although this would have been the perfect moment to tell him that I didn't want so share him either and that I wanted us to be in a relationship, I didn't find the courage to tell him about my feelings. „Okay", Niko answered before he again connected our lips.

„Let's take a shower, have breakfast and maybe spend some more time like this before we'll leave to the train station, okay? You can still study in the train but we can't enjoy our time like this in the train", Niko suggested after a while. „Yeah, that's a good idea. Probably I should spend the whole time until we'll arrive in Helsinki studying but to be honest, being this close to you is all I need right now." I smiled at him. It was true, all I needed was him being close to me and showing him that I liked him a lot, especially since I had told him that I wouldn't be interested in anyone yesterday.

„Well then... Maybe we should get up now", Niko said and carefully pushed the blanket away and got up. „Hmm", I groaned, I didn't want to get up yet, I wanted to keep cuddling with him. „Do I have to use other methods to make you get up?", Niko grinned at me, probably already planning how to convince me to get up. Although I shook my head, I didn't do any move.

...which definitely was not a good idea because now, Niko grabbed the blanket, threw it away and started to tickle me, not caring about my begging for him to stop. „I'll only stop when you got up", he grinned devilishly and as he was still tickling me a few seconds later, I decided to give up. „Fine, you won", I sighed before I actually got up. „I knew I'd win", Niko grinned at me and pulled me closer. By the way he looked at me, I could tell that he didn't want to tickle me anymore, so I hugged him and leaned my head against his chest.

„Let's go take a shower now, hm?", Niko asked before he placed a kiss on my hair. „Wait, you mean together, not individually one after another?", I looked at him confused. „What do you prefer? I've seen you naked already and we could spend more time with each other. But if you don't feel comfortable with that, we can take a shower individually, too. It's okay for me. I mean, maybe it would make things awkward between...", he looked at me, trying to encourage me to do whatever I feel most comfortable with but I didn't let him finish the sentence. „No, I want to enjoy the time with you as much as possible; I want to use every second with you", I whispered. „Okay", Niko smiled and lifted my head with his left index finger to be able to place a soft kiss on my lips.

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now