"You didn't see her Instagram live the other night"

"What live?"

"She was talking about Gigi and stuff"

I stopped chewing and shook my head "no"

Autumn pulled out her phone, going to ig and pulled up Aysia's page which surprisingly consisted of over a million followers now. She went to her videos and clicked on an old live, skipping through parts until she got to a certain part

"..since she wanna air my business out YES! I have a daughter but no! I did NOT lose custody of her. I gave my daughters father sole custody willingly because I needed to get myself together" Aysia said calmly on the live and I rolled my eyes as she continued talking "do I miss my daughter, ABSOLUTELY! And do I want her back? YES. I'm in a better place, I'm happy, clean and I'm able to provide my child with a better life than I could before so I actually have been talking to some lawyers to see what I need to do to get my baby back"

When I heard her say that I looked at the screen some kind of way

"The fuck?" I cursed

Aysia ran her hands through her hair as she continued on live "I made some mistakes in my life but the main one was giving my daughter up but I think it's time she comes home. She needs to know who her mommy is and that mommy still loves her no matter what"

I pushed the phone away from me

"I thought y'all knew" Autumn said and I shook my head


She sat back in her seat, looking like she felt bad now. The server brought our food to the table with a smile but honestly no matter how good this food smelt, I really wasn't hungry"

"Don't stress it Ana, I doubt she even get a chance to get her back"

"Why does she even wanna try?" I didn't mean to ask to Autumn with an attitude but it just came out

Autumn's eyes went down from my face to my shirt and the expression on her face made me wanna immediately look down so I did and I saw that I was leaking through my shirt

"Oh my God"

"Here" she took her sweater off and passed it across the table to me

"This date just keeps getting better huh? Im so over this day"

"Let's not look at this negatively"

"What's the positive side?"

She stated quiet and when I sucked my teeth she laughed

"I'll find one. But until then you go ahead to the car. I'll get us some to-go boxes to put our food in"

"You are the best big sister"

"Yeah yeah. Go leaky titties"

"Fuck you" I cursed, sticking my finger up while covering my chief with the sweater and got up, heading out while Autumn got everything


"Dadadada" melody continuously called while she walked around clapping her hands as I slouched in the chair in front of her

No lie, hearing your child call for her daddy nonstop may seem cute the first two times but after a while, the shit gets annoying

"DADADADADAAAAA" I yelled, mocking her so she froze, looking at me before laughing and Darius walked in the living room holding his phone in his hand

"I'm convinced something wrong with the damn both of y'all" he pointed between me and melody

"She get that shit from her daddy side"

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