"Just give it to me later," you said to Chanyeol. "Whatever it is you need to give me, I mean. The ball's starting soon and I still need to finish my makeup so leave me alone. Go find Baekhyun and annoy him."

"Fine," Chanyeol sighed. "I'll see you later." He gave your shoulders a squeeze before leaving the room.

When Soo-hyun was sure that Chanyeol was out of earshot, she asked, "Are you sure he's not your boyfriend, Miss Byun? He's handsome. The two of you look good together."

You wanted to gag at her comment, but your heart was inexplicably beating fast contrary to what you wanted to feel and it was frustrating you. You could sense your cheeks warming up and you hoped that Soo-hyun hadn't noticed it.

You and Chanyeol looked good together?

"We're just really good friends," you explained, your mouth lingering at the last word.

The two of you were friends, weren't you?

"I'm just saying," Soo-hyun shrugged with a mischievous smile on her lips.

After you finished getting ready, you immediately headed down to the grand ball room.

When the elevators opened, Chanyeol standing with his hands in his pockets was the first thing you saw, as if he was waiting for you.

He looked at you and his eyes traveled from your face, down to your feet, and then settled on your face again as if he was seeing you for the first time.

You were wearing a tight red dress that stopped just a little bit above your knees. It emphasized your already prominent hips, and you saw that Chanyeol's eyes lingered on that part of you longer than necessary. You were also wearing stilettos, but you were still significantly shorter than Chanyeol when you stood right next to him.

"I look hot, don't I?" You teased him. "Pick up your jaw from the floor, Yeol."

He cleared his throat. "You're always so humble," he repeated what you had said to him earlier in the exact same way that you did.

Chanyeol held out his arm for you to hold, and you took it. The two of you entered the ball room linked together.

Your parents and Baekhyun were already talking to some people when they saw you enter.

Baekhyun was grinning like a mad man. "Wow, you're looking good, sis."

You didn't answer and just gave him the sweetest smile you could force yourself to do because you didn't want to say something horrible to him with your parents and their business partners around.

"Your daughter has grown into a fine woman, Mr. Byun," an older woman whose name you didn't know said to your father.

"She got her looks from me," your dad joked.

You smiled at the lady. "Thank you, ma'am."

The woman looked at Chanyeol. "Oh, who's this handsome young man?"

"He's my good friend," you replied. You felt Chanyeol's muscles tense at your last word.

"I see. What happened to the young man you went with last year? What was his name? Did something happen between the two of you?"

Your smile disappeared. This lady was probably one of your parents' business partners, but she absolutely had no right to pry on your personal life like that.

Your parents looked at each other and then exchanged a look with Baekhyun, a silent understanding passing between the three of them.

Baekhyun smiled and said, "Uh, sorry. Can I excuse my sister and her date for a second? I need to discuss something with them."

Chances [Chanyeol EXO]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora