"How about we play a game?" Yixing suggested.

Sehun, who had been relatively quiet all night, suddenly leaned forward. "What game?"

Yixing smiled. "Never Have I Ever."

You sighed because you knew this game all too well. It was the ultimate bait for crazy stories whenever friends went out and drank.

"How are we going to play it?" Chanyeol asked.

"Each of us holds up five fingers, and we take turns in saying things that we've never done before. When you've done what the person speaking hadn't, you put down one of your fingers and take a shot of vodka. No ice, no chasers. Straight and hot," Yixing explained.

"So you want everyone to die tonight?" Baekhyun sarcastically asked, earning laughter from the group.

"It's fun," you said. "I've played this game before. I say when someone loses all five fingers, they have to drink three additional shots."

The living room was silent for a few seconds, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Okay. I'll start," Yixing said. "Never have I ever gotten laid if I wasn't in a relationship."

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongin, Minseok, and you took a shot.

The vodka burned in your throat, but it was a sensation that you liked. Baekhyun made gagging sounds after he drank, and you wondered to yourself why he liked drinking so much even though he was a lousy drinker.

Sehun was next. "Never have I ever had a one-night stand."

Everyone took a shot except for Jongdae, Sehun, and Yixing.

"Never have I ever slept with a person who I wasn't in a relationship with more than once," Minseok said.

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and you were the only ones who drank.

"Okay, hold the fuck up," Baekhyun complained. "The three of us have two fingers left," pointing at you, Chanyeol and him, "and all the questions have been about sex. Isn't this unfair?"

"It's not our fault that the three of you go around too much," Minseok laughed.

"Fine," Baekhyun sighed. "It's my turn, you fuckers. Never have I ever slept with a person who I wasn't in a relationship with more than twice!" He shouted, as if he had outsmarted everyone in the room.

"Hey, you just copied me—" Minseok was about to complain, but suddenly everyone went quiet when you and Chanyeol silently took a shot.

Everyone looked at the two of you.

You broke the silence when you said, "My turn," your voice husky from consecutively drinking four shots of pure vodka. "Never have I ever had feelings for anyone I fooled around with."

Chanyeol drank another four shots, one for losing a finger and the other three were penalties for losing all five. He was the only one who drank.

From the way the room was silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

"Wow, Chanyeol is something else," Baekhyun cut through the quietness, voicing out what you were thinking.

Chanyeol sheepishly smiled before finishing a tall glass of water in a matter of seconds.


You had no idea why you were standing in front of Chanyeol's door.

The villa was dead quiet, everyone probably fast asleep. You could feel it in your bones that you were drunk, but you shrugged it off, thinking that you wouldn't have been able to walk from your room to Chanyeol's if you were far too gone.

You knocked, but when he didn't answer, you opened the door, which, to your surprise, wasn't locked.

The lights were on and Chanyeol was sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. He was playing a song on his guitar, which was probably the reason why he didn't hear you knocking.

When he finally saw you walking into his room, he immediately got off the bed and walked towards you.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

You shook your head. "Nothing. I was just... bored," you said as you cupped his face with your hands and pulled him in for a kiss.

Chanyeol put his hand on your hips as you led him to the bed. You were about to take your shirt off when he stopped you.

"Let's not do this tonight," he said quietly, his eyes burning through yours.

"Why not?"

"You're drunk." Chanyeol gently took your hands off of his face. "I don't want to take advantage of the situation. I'm many things, but I'm not an asshole."

Your mind went blank. You sat there speechless as you blinked your eyes at him, surprised that you heard those words come out of a guy's mouth.

"Why do you look so surprised?" Chanyeol smiled. "Am I the first guy who said that to you?"

You nodded.

"Well, they're assholes. Don't have sex with guys like that," he said as he sat back to the position he was in before you came to his room. "But you can sleep here if you want. I'll sing you to sleep."

He began strumming his guitar once again as you settled yourself on the bed, pulling the covers over your body.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" You asked him in a small voice. You could feel yourself drifting away because of the alcohol.

"Sure," Chanyeol said while looking at you, his hands not stopping at playing as if they had a mind of their own.

"At the game... you drank when I said that never have I ever caught feelings with someone I was sleeping with. So, you've had feelings for someone you were fooling around with? Who?"

Suddenly he was playing another song, a song that you could recognize no matter what instrument it was played on.

"Just some girl," Chanyeol replied.

"Don't do that with me, Yeol," you said. "Promise me."

"Don't do what?"

Your eyes felt heavy with sleep as you sink further and further. "Don't fall for me."

Chanyeol simply nodded. He began singing to accompany the melody he was playing with his guitar.

[Play the media]

"When you were here before,
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel,
Your skin makes me cry..."

His sweet voice filled the room and you could feel your eyes getting heavier.

Chanyeol had an amazing voice. You figured that he could sing well since he's majoring in music production, but you didn't expect him to be that good. You could listen to him sing forever, and it was a bonus that he was singing your favorite song.

"You float like a feather
In a beautiful word
I wish I was special,
You're so fucking special..."

You fell asleep to Chanyeol serenading you, and it was the best sleep you've had in recent memory.


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