5- Higher Command

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She remembers asking once, a long time ago, if Higher Command was run by God himself. She never did get conclusive answers to that question... "Maybe it will finally be answered today." She thinks to herself, trying to remain positive as she walks closer to a gate surrounding the building with several armed guards around it.

"Identification and reason for being here or leave." One of the armed guards tells her as she approaches them.
She pulls out her identification and shows them it. "My name is Azazel, and I am here for the meeting that will be taking place soon."
"That checks out. Your entry has been approved. However, you will have to take off that hat as it is not within protocol for you to be wearing one."

They open up the gates for her as she takes off her hat and shoves it into a back pocket. They say nothing else as she walks forward, but she can see the surprise in their eyes. She just wants this to be over with. She opens up the front doors and enters the Higher Command for the very first time in her life. It is very clean, polished and fancy inside with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and red velvet seating areas and this is just the receptionist/waiting area!

She walks towards the receptionist desk. There is a female angel sitting there behind the desk, looking tired and with her black hair in a neat bun.
"Hello? I'm Azazel. I'm here for the meeting in a few minutes." Azazel says, trying not to let through how nervous she feels.
The receptionist looks up. "Oh hello. You must be the Fallen Angel everyone is talking about. You've caused quite a ruckus, you know."

This statement makes her feel more nervous and rather indignant. She isn't a Fallen Angel dangit! She is so tired of people judging her just based on her appearance. Just because she has horns does not mean she is a bad person! Yeah she may have been around demons for too long... but that doesn't matter!

"I am not a Fallen Angel!" She says sternly.

"I don't mean to burst your bubble honey, but have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? While they may be small, Angels do not have horns. Fallen Angels do however. Anyways, the council will see you now." She points at a hallway leading to a set of ornamental doors.

She slowly walks over to the ornamental doors, ignoring what the receptionist had said, feeling incredibly nervous and with a sense of impending dread. She is going to have to show herself to part of the governing body of Heaven. But this should be fine. I mean she hasn't actually done anything wrong... right?

She isn't going to admit it to herself, but she really needs this to go well. While she is now doing a better job at masking it, she is still teetering on the edge. Too much has gone wrong, changed and hurt her and her fragile mental state simply can not take any more. She may be a strong-willed individual, but one can only take so much suffering before they reach their snapping point. She is one disaster away from that snapping point and an ensuing total mental breakdown, and that would not be pretty.

She pushes open the doors and enters into a rather medium-sized room. Odd, she had expected it to be some massive grand room but it really isn't. There are a few angels sitting to her sides and an elevated platform in the back of the room where several important-looking Archangels are sitting at an ornate oak desk. Off to the side, there is a large circular metallic frame on the wall, a portal.
There is a seat empty in the middle of the room, presumably for her.
She walks over, hearing whispering from the few angels to her sides.

She sits down in the seat, putting her suitcase down next to her.
"We are here today for the important matter of Azazel Brighton's judgement on the matters of her being corrupted, this topic being brought to our attention by her commanding officer." She hears an Archangel say in a cold, professional tone.
"Why are there so few angels here?" She asks, despite herself.
"We wanted to keep this matter rather private, Miss Azazel. We did not want to panic the general public."
She can feel herself sweating, she is so nervous!
"Now, from what we have heard, you have been doing extensive demonic research for your commanding officer General Gabriel, correct?"
"Yes I have been. I just turned in my portfolio to him earlier today on the research I have done."
"Okay. Why have you been studying demons of all things, Miss Azazel? Why study anything at all?"

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