1-The Tipping Point

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Azazel lays in bed, pondering what has been happening to her lately. "Why is my hair starting to grey, really? Is all that fallen angel stuff true? No, it can't be. That's just lies made up by the council to scare misbehaving angels, even if they do seem too true. I mean the evidence does seem to stack up though... Maybe that's why my halo seems to be glowing more dimly lately,... but I'm too pure to fall, so it must be false right?" She actually feels a bit doubtful. "This can't be true... I mean... I'm an angel right?"

She hears a knock on her door and then it opens, revealing Ms. Lucy. Ms. Lucy looks at her and then forms a bit of a smirk. "Hey Azazel, you've been alone in your room for a while so would you like to join us in the living room?" Ms. Lucy asks her.

"What are you going to be doing?"

"We are playing a dice game! You could study it if you want." "Yeah, I'll join."

Azazel follows Ms. Lucy down the hall and sees everyone sitting in the living room. All three Cerberus's, Judgement, Justice, Malina, Modeus and Pandemonica are on the ground setting up a board game. The only one not participating is Zdrara. Everyone except for Mr.Taker seems to be present.

She walks over to the group and sits down, Ms. Lucy sitting next to her.
"So what game is being played?"
"It is a simple dice game where we gamble 'soul' tokens. Whoever gets the highest roll wins." Justice tells her.

"Sounds highly sinful." Azazel comments. While she would normally jump right into something like this, especially since she hasn't played many games and she could learn something new, she feels more cautious today. "Not sure if I should play."
Ms. Lucy speaks up next to her. "Oh it'll be fun Azazel. Plus it's easier to study things when you understand them and have firsthand experience right?" Ms. Lucy asks her, a trace of something she can't detect in her voice.
Ms. Lucy has a point. She decides to ignore her more trepidatious feelings. "I mean it's just a game right?" She thinks to herself.
"Okay I'll play." She says out loud.

Zdrara looks at her, smiles and chuckles a bit. "What's so funny?" She asks her.
"Oh it's nothing." Zdrada chuckles, exhaling smoke.
"Are you sure?"

All the 'soul' pieces and dice get doled out to all the players.
"Let's do this!" Justice says excitedly. "I'll bet 6 souls."
Everyone bets a varying amount until it comes to her,
"I guess I'll bet two." Azazel tentatively says. She feels uncomfortable doing this, but she can't pin down why.
"Now it is time for everyone to roll. That includes you, Azazel." Ms. Lucy tells her.

Everyone playing rolls the dice with a loud clatter.
Azazel looks down at all the dice and starts counting everyone's scores. Then she recounts because she does not believe the numbers she got, but the numbers stay the same.
She had beaten everyone else. On her first time playing and her first roll!

"Congratulations Azazel! You won the first round! I told you playing would be a good idea." Ms. Lucy congratulates her.
"Beginner's luck." Malina grumbles.
"I'm not going to get beat by a stupid angel, that's for sure."
Everyone pushes the amount of soul tokens they had bet towards her.
Even though she has won the first round of this game the first time she has ever played, she doesn't feel that great. She starts sweating rather heavily, it dripping off her onto the floor.

"Hey, are you okay? You are sweating everywhere." Ms. Lucy asks her, looking at her, a small bit of concern on her otherwise smirking face.
Everyone starts looking at her.

"Does anyone else feel really hot? Or is it just me?" She asks, tugging on her collar a bit.
"You appear to be having an unknown reaction to something. Could be a virus, or something else." Pandemonica tells her.
"I mean we are all smoking hot, but by all the sweat I presume you mean the literal meaning? If you do, then I think it's just you. You might want to get that checked." Justice advises.
"I mean the literal term." She says.
"Maybe winning your first roll got to you." Ms. Lucy tells her.

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