{ Day 5 }

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Today's the day, the day where I make my first official appearance at a party that I haven't attended for like years. The shining A's were excited about it, except for Ava of course, who's still dealing with her delusional thoughts.  Avery spends hours on her makeup to make her look presentable while trying to make tonight her night. As for Aubrey, she is much more interested in challenging herself to how many vodkas she could drink. Amelia on the other hand just chose her outfit over and over. 

SEPTEMBER 17, 2005

" Ready? ' Amelia chanted with the other girls in the car while I sat at the side with Ava and tried to look as depressed as I can by leaning by the car door window. "Em! Nobody goes to a party looks like that, and nobody goes to a party feeling like that." Aubrey pointed out as she lit the end of her cigarette bud. " The fact that I'm actually feeling anxious right now." I  make a face at Aubrey. "We're on our way to pick up your girlfriend." Avery scrolls on her phone and texts aggressively. "Are you okay?" I asked. "No, It's just Jo, who isn't answering any of my texts,  I swear to god if he's not going to answer....' I rolled my eyes. "I mean if he's not gonna answer then so be it, why are you so clingy?' Amelia said something that felt like it just pierced through Avery's chest. She reluctantly put her phone down as Jessica enter the car. "Hey girls!' she greeted in a genuine cheerful voice. "Your tone Jess, sounds kinda weird to hear..." While all of us sat and enjoy the car ride. Ava was rather silent, she stared at her hands fiercely and started to shiver. 

8:34 pm

The party was wilder and crazier than I expected, freshmen chatting in the corner, sophomores dancing in the living room, juniors drinking vodka and beers with the seniors, and music that was blasting so loud you can't even hear if someone was talking right next to you. "By the way, I'm gonna go and grab some more vod-' Aubrey stood there with a mouth wide open, as Jessica paused there as she was carved out of stone. "What the heck?' Amelia frowned as Millie enter the room and gain all of the attention. "You've gotta be kidding me.." Amelia clenched her fists so hard it felt like her bones are going to snap any second. 


"This party is so boring..." I sat on the couch where Ava was sitting, still shivering as she stared at her hands like they were communicating with her. "Ava, you alright?' She didn't hear me obviously, the music was too loud. "Is- Avery going to be okay? She's going to get pregnant..." I'm not sure if she's talking to me or muttering to herself. "Everything is okay! Ava! She's not going to get pregnant!" I shouted with the loudest voice I've got, but maybe it was too loud, people around me stared at me, some giggling, some just started backing away. "Are you sure?' she asked still worried. I gave her a warm smile and throw my arms around her and nodded. 

9:47 pm

"She's invited?' Amelia sneered. " Everyone is...." replied Jessica. "Great..." Amelia stood up from her chair and started walking toward Miller. "Wow! You've put on an amazing show humiliating me in front of everyone aren't you?' "I don't know what you're talking about..." Milly was rather scared of Amelia because...she played pranks on a few other girls ever since fifth grade. And I know about it because we went to the same school... "On Instagram, on cupid day, and now at parties?'Amelia was rather furious. "Stop, Amelia...let's go" Aubrey pulled her wrist to try to avoid making a scene. She had no choice but to back down. 

We ended up going home at around 12 pm, except for Avery who'd insisted her boyfriend will bring her home.

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