{Day 4 }

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Days and days go by, I'm just anxious about one thing. "The party" I know this sounds a little weird because you shouldn't be anxious about something fun, But it really is pressuring. Because I am a little shy at some point when I talk to people, except for Jessica of course, and sometimes the four A's. I spent around a few hours choosing the outfit and taking pictures for Jessica to let her rate which outfit is better.  And listening to hours of beauty lectures from the four A's. "

"That skirt...I wouldn't wear it if I were you." Amelia pointed out. 

"You should wear something more revealing like a crop top or some tank top,"  Aubrey suggested.

"No, you don't get it, the whole point of this party is to get into a relationship with someone, so you gotta look hot. When was the last time you were in a relationship?" Ava paced around in circles.

"I think you are absolutely horrible at fashion, and your closet is just- so- I don't know? You! Like the Emmie Style" Avery peaked in my wardrobe and said in disgust.

"For the second time Avery, my name is Emma or Em, not Emmy, my closet ain't that bad, right?' 

They all stared at each other and shooked their heads. "Your clothes are literally like clothes from the clearance or whatever, you cannot wear THOSE to the party, it's literally unforgivable if you show up like that to my party. " Amelia pointed at the outfit I've chosen with her long thin fingers. Not gonna lie, they do have expensive taste. 

Ava was rather quiet at the corner, staring at her hands intensely. "Aubrey, what's going on? With her?' I tilt my head in Ava's direction while Aubrey exchanged a worrying look. "I'll be back" she added. "Ava, what are you thinking, hmm?' Aubrey was the only one who understands most about her imagining things, specifically called delusional disorder. She sat down next to her to hold her shivering hands. "Why can't I shake the feeling that...Avery is going to get pregnant?' she shivered and spoke. "Um... what are you talking about? It's just one of your delusional disorders again, nothing else, it's not gonna happen, Avery is perfectly fine." Aubrey's words were like a fairy godmother's magic, Ava took a few breaths and showed a weak smile.

I stood in the corner, listening.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2005

"Em!" Ruby called out. "What?" I replied to her with the nastiest voice I've ever used. "Your tone to me, Emma." she glared at me. 'Can you close the door? I don't think mom wants to hear this." I've never seen Ruby this secretive, she's usually really open. "What? You're doing drugs or something?' I made the worst scenario in my mind and blurted it out. "Are you crazy? No! It's just I think I'm going a little out of control." her tone sounds a little serious. Although I'm not really a serious sort of person, she looks like she needs some help. "I don't know what's it called, I just...ever since last week, I've been organizing my books for like five times a day, wiping aggressively on the table and washing the dishes over and over again," she recalled all of her symptoms and I knew I heard about it and learned about it in school. I mean, she is homeschooled so- I understand. "It's your OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder. ' I answered her with a more quiet tone, part of the reason it's because mom is just outside, and the other reason was that I didn't want to scare her. "Can it be cured?" she said with hopeful eyes. "Not in a way, No." She's probably disappointed with whatever I said but the party is tomorrow. 

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