Chapter 20

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The rapid firing of bullets from semi-automatic rifles could be heard in the distance from where you sat on the bed. Without wasting another moment, you stood up and grabbed Rebecca's forearm and started for the door.

"We have to go, now!" You exclaimed.

"W-wait! (y/n)!" Rebecca protested.

You slid up next to the door that led out to the hallway, keeping your ear next to it to listen for any commotion.

"Y/n)?" Rebecca asked.

"Listen, Rebecca, my friends are here. They are fighting to take down Doflamingo, once and for all. They are risking their lives to save us and everyone else who might be here against their will. But they don't have to fight alone. Doflamingo upped his security around here right before I came, yes?"

"That's correct, so it would be safer for us to stay here." Rebecca said.

"If we stay here someone will come and move us, thus making our escape either more difficult or impossible." You responded.

Despair flickered across Rebecca's brown eyes as they turned downwards.

"Look, I wish I didn't have to ask this of you, –" You gently placed your hand on the pink haired girl's shoulder, "–, you're only 16, but I really need to help level the playing field for my friends, and I need your help to do that."

"What do you need me to do?" The pinkette asked.

"The last time I escaped from here with my cousin, he caused an explosion which provided a good distraction. I'm thinking we can do the same." You replied.

It may seem drastic, but an explosion would provide a massive distraction which would split up the men Doflamingo has patrolling around as well as cause panic in everyone else. It was the best option you had at this point, especially since the longer you stayed in this room, the more vulnerable you became. You hadn't heard anyone moving around on the other side of the bedroom door, so now it was time to take a quick peek out.

Instinctively, your right hand reached for your hip. You sighed through your nose in disappointment as you realized there was no gun for your fingers to curl around.


You motioned for Rebecca to get behind you as you turned the doorknob gently and quietly cracking the door open a sliver. Nothing could be seen immediately in front of you. You pushed it open a little more to reveal more of the hallway.

"We're clear." You whispered. "Now I need you to show me the quickest route to the kitchen."

"Right." Rebecca nodded. "This way." She took hold of your hand and led you out down the hall.

Whenever the two of you came to a turn or a closed door that you needed to pass through, you made sure to pull yourself to the front and put Rebecca behind you. Once you determined the area safe, Rebecca would resume the lead. As you continued on your path, an easy feeling settled in the pit of your stomach and festered. You desperately hoped it was just nerves.

Please... Please everyone be ok...

The air smelled of sweet charcoal with a hint of brimstone as a light smokey haze, akin to a large cloud of cigarette smoke, settled around the police force and guards. The Brtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt and Ktr-ktr-ktr-ktr-ktr-ktr-ktr of bullets being fired could be heard in every direction.

Kid, Killer, Zoro and a few other men Kid couldn't recall the names of managed to make it to the patio. They were currently ducking behind some of the planter rows, gradually trying to make it to the inside of the mansion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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