It's them!! AHHH!!

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It's been a couple of months now since me and the girls have been put together and we get along great. I'm surprised that there are no fights considering we all have different personalitites but I'm not complaining. We made it past the judges houses to the live shows and we've been doing great so far and getting great revues. The judges love us and we're the only act left standing for out mentor Simon Cowell. Yeah they picked him to mentor groups again. Haha I bet he's tired of it. We love him though and have become very close to him. Today was the day of the finale. These past 10 weeks have flown by so quickly. Over these past 10 weeks I have kept in contact with my parents, my siblings, my family and most importantly Micheal. He is always telling me how proud he is of me and how many times he votes for us lol. I miss him soo much. Today our families, and MICHEAL!, are coming to see us in the finale and not only are they going to be here but so is.....ARE YOU READY?! ONE FREAKIN DIRECTION!! I cant believe I'm actually going to get to see them up close. We arrive at the arena that night and get to see all of the other contestants who didnt make it to the finale. I missed them soo much. I was especially close to Derrick who was in the boy group called Distinction. They left during the semi finals and I really thought that we were going to be in the finals together. They were really good. As soon as I saw him I instanly ran up to him and hugged him.

Derrick is 5'10 with light brown eyes and a caramel skin tone. He is very muscular with curly black hair. He has dimples in his cheeks and you can see them especially when he grins.

"Hey Derrick!" I shouted jumping in his arms.

"Hey shorty!" Derrick said hugging me tightly. He always called me shorty b/c I'm the shortest one in the entire competition. "I missed you soo much. And I'm rooting for you guys all the way!" Derrick said while placing me back on my feet.

"How has everything been?" I asked him. I could talk to Derrick for hours. We use to stay up late at night and talk about everything and anything. Everyone thought we liked each other but were really just friends.

"Everythings been good. Excited for tonight?" He said flashing me that famous dimple grin of his.

"Yeah, but I'm soo nervous..." I was instantly cut off by screaming from the outside. It sounded like a sea of teenage girls and it was getting louder and louder. Until I realized why. In walks One Direction. Liam, Harry, Niall, Louie, and Zayn in that order walked through the door all laughing. Gosh they are cute!

"If it isnt the biggest boy band in the world." Derrick said sarcastically

"Do I detect a hint of jealousy in someone's voice? Hmm??" I said in an english accent

"Of course not. So I guess youre about to go over there and talk to them?" I could tell Derrick is a little jealous just by the tone he's using.

"No not yet. I have missed talking to you so I'm staying. Are you trying to get rid of me?" I said jokingly

"No! Oh! Look! Theyre talking to the rest of the girls." Derrick pointed to the direction of my bandmates and I saw them talking to One Direction. They seemed like they were carrying on a good conversation.

"5 dollars says Zakira freaks out!" I said teasingly.

"Youre on!" Derrick said slapping me high five.

"Caprice!! Caprice!!" I turned around to my bandmates calling my name and One Direction staring right at me.

"I'll be right there" I said smiling.

"Hey! You said you werent going to leave me." Derrick said pouting out his lip.

"I'll be back. I promise." I said smiling.

I make my way to them and the first thing I see are a pair of hazel eyes with a hint of green to them looking right at me.. Those eyes...His eyes...

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