New beginnings!

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As soon as we get backstage we all just look at each other. Since noone else decided to talk, I decided to speak up.

"Hi, my name is Caprice." I said shaking each one of the girl's hands.

"Hi, I'm Melanie." A girl with a really short brown hair cut said. She looked to be about 5'5 and she had fair brown skin. She was just in a black tank top that said "LOVE" and some red skinny jeans. I started to giggle after I realized that we matched.

"I'm Cassandra." A girl with black hair said. She was about 5'7 and had a caramel skin tone too. She was wearing a yellow tank top with a blue jean vest and some dark wash blue jeans.

"My name is Tay." A girl with black hair mixed with blue highlights said. She was about 5'6 and she was the darkest out of all of us. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a bear on it and some black shorts. Her look was very random but hey! she was rocking it.

"And I'm Zakira." the last girl said. She had cornrolls braided to the back and she had to be about 5'7 also. I guess I was going to be the shortest out of the group and I soon found out I was the youngest. Zakira was wearing a light green plain t-shirt and some white high waisted shorts. By the looks of it all of the girls had their own personal styles and I loved it. No girl could possibly get mixed up with the other.  

"Well how about we all go back to the hotel. Go to my room, order a pizza, and talk. I have my room for an extra night." I said trying to come up with some sort of idea of how we're going to make this work. The girls all agreed and soon we were in my room, laughing, joking and eating pizza. These girls were really cool. I couldnt believe I was saying this because usually it takes me a while to get a long with girls.

We each have different personalities but with some similiarities. We all have similiar tastes in music but that was about it. I am the calm, cool, yet crazy one out of the group. Cassandra is the leader and I can tell she's going to be the one to keep us in line. Melanie is the funny one out of the group and the clumsiest. She always finds a way to get hurt some way. Tay is the flirtiest out of all of us and the most boy crazy and Zakira is the shy one.

This is going to be one wild ride :)

You Belong W/ Me <3 xx ( Zayn Malik Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ