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The auditions are over and bootcamp has officially started. It has been great soo far. Alot of work but hey! It's all worth it. Today was the day before the actual cuts. We have to sing one last song and I'm a little nervous but too ready to go ahead and get this over with. We enter the arena and they give us the song we have to sing. My eyes instantly started to swell up with tears. The song was "Listen" by Beyonce. This song always makes me choke up because it reminds me of my relationship with my dad and how much he didnt believe in me becoming a singer. I knew the song but I still have to practice to make sure I'm okay. As the day goes on, and the more I keep thinking about the song, the more I want to chicken out. I can't sing this song because I know I'm going to break down and cry and I do not want to be seen as the crybaby. As they called my group onstage, I stayed behind. Maybe they wont even miss me and just judge me off of my first audition.


"Everybody get ready. The music is about to start soon." One of the producers said.

"Wait we're missing one. Where's Caprice?" Simon asked.

"She was here just a minute ago." one of the producers answered while looking at their clipboard.

"I think I know where she is." Simon says getting up from his chair. All of a sudden I see a figure coming towards me and I realize it's Simon.

"Caprice, what are you doing?"Simon asked sitting next to me.

"This song makes me very emotional and I dont want to go onstage and cry in front of everyone. I'll be seen as the crybaby." I said on the verge of tears.

"What makes a singer so great is the emotion that she puts into her music. It makes other people feel what she's feeling and believe in her. So come on." Simon grabs my hand and pulls me up.

I luckily held myself together during the song. After it was over I went back to my hotel room took a shower and went to bed.


I got up early and took a hot shower. I decided to wash my hair and leave it naturally curly. I put on a little foundation followed by some eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I decided to be edgy this morning and dress a little more daring. I looked at myself in the mirror and I had to admit I was hot. I had on a black bra with red lace, a red and black plaid shirt with the sleeves cut off, which I decided to leave it a little open to show off my bra, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and some combat boots.

I made my way to the arena and waited for my group to be called. As we were gathered on stage my heartbeat starts to slow down..

"I think we knew from the start that not everyone here would be going through so it should come as know surprise that some of you are about to go home." Simon said calmly

As the list of names were being read off of the list, my breathing kept getting slower and slower everytime that my name wasnt called.

"That's it everyone. If your name wasnt called then that means you are being sent home." Simon said.

I couldnt believe it. This was the end... Or was it?

You Belong W/ Me <3 xx ( Zayn Malik Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt