Wild and Untamed Thing

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"And so, by some extraordinary
coincidence -fate it seems had decided that
Vanderohe and Dieter should keep their appointment with their friend Doctor River Song. But it was to be in a situation which none of them could have possibly foreseen. And just a few hours after announcing their engagement, Dieter and Vanderohe had both tasted the forbidden fruit. This in itself was proof that their host was a woman of little morals -and some persuasion. What further indignities were they to be subjected to? And what of the floor show that had been spoken of? In an empty house in the middle of the night, what diabolical plan had seized Jack's crazed imagination? What indeed? From what had gone before it was clear that this was to be no picnic."

Vincent sat back in his chair as he explained to Ginger.

"Seems like a real piece of work that guy."

"Indeed he is. But who cares? Let's get on with it, shall we?" Ginger giggled as Vincent ravished her neck with wet kisses.

As Jack scurries around backstage dressing the statues in extravagant garments of garter belts and corsets according to one fantasy. Jack walks over to a switch and pulls down the lever. Opening the curtains, Maleficent's statue comes to life.

"It was great when it all began I was a regular Frankie


But it was over when she had the plan

To start working on a muscle-man Now the only thing

that gives me hope

Is my love of a certain dope Rose tints my world keeps me

Safe from my trouble and pain."

Dean's statue comes to life.

"I'm just seven hours old

Truly beautiful to behold.

And somebody should be told

My libido hasn't been controlled Now the only thing I've

come to trust

Is an orgasmic rush of lust

Rose tints my world, keep me safe from my trouble and


Jack brings Vanderohe to life.

"It's beyond me

Help me Mommy

I'll be good and you'll see Take this dream away"

Vanderohe lays down on sits the stage and sticks his leg up in the air, feeling the fabric of the stockings.

What's this, let's see I feel sexy.

What's come over me. Whoa. Here it

comes again.

Dieter animates and starts to behave like a Sex God completely out of control as if performing in a burlesque show.

"Oh I... I feel released

Bad times deceased

M y confidence has increased. Reality is here

The game has been disbanded

My mind has been expanded

It's a gas that Frankie's landed Her lust is so sincere."

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