Diner Nightmare

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"Food has always played a vital role in life's rituals. The breaking of bread the last meal of the condemned man - and now this meal. However informal it might appear
you can be sure there was to be very little "bonhomie."
As Jack sat at the head at the coffin-shaped table, he looked around at the guests occupying the seats, Dean and Maleficent on his right, Vanderohe, Dieter, and River Song sitting off to his left, with Dieter sitting across from Dean.

Stealing glances and smiling at one another, Jack got on as he picked up the meat carver and turned it on towards the two making everyone, especially those who stop dead in their tracks.

The double doors opened revealing Lark and Johnny wheeling in the meal. Stopping in front of Jack, Jack picked up the carver and began cutting the meat as Johnny and Lark went around the table pouring champagne and throwing the meat on the plates in front of the guests.

  "Thanks, sweeties," Song complimeted the duo and smiled. "We came here to discuss Crybaby."

"Crybaby." squealed Maleficent but she was silenced with a deadly look from Jack.

"That's a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone."

"Excuse me," she whispered. She got up from the table heading out of the dining room she closed the double doors behind her and ghastly cried.

Both Vanderohe and Dieter looked at each other than at

  " I knew he was in with a bad crowd. But it was worse than I imagined. Aliens!"

  "Dr. Song!" Both Vanderohe and Dieter said in unison.

"Go on, Doctor Song - or should I say Doctor En Song."

"Just what exactly are you implying?" Vanderohe yelled at Jack in defense of Dr. Song.

"It's okay Vanderohe." Song smiled as she took another sip of her champagne making sure to leave a smudge of red lipstick discreetly on it.

"But Dr. Song..."

"Its okay, Sweetie. Listen, he didn't have the best childhood growing up. His mother was always sick, and he fell into the wrong crowd and started getting into Rock 'n' Roll porn, and motorcycles. So if there is anyone to blame, it would be me. I was always traveling and didn't pay him any mind. No, I wished I should have."

Standing up, Jack walked around the table and pulled the cloth off along with everything on it revealing the leftover corpse of Crybaby.

Lark and Johnny laugh. Vanderohe is shocked. Dieter runs into Dean's arms and hugs him. River Song rolls back her wheelchair in disgust. Jack is angry at the sight of Dieter and Dean hugging. Jack walks over to the two.

"Oh Dean, how could you," Jack yelled as he grabs Dean and hurls him away from Dieter. Seeing Jack coming towards him, Dieter screams and runs out of the room with Jack chasing after him.

Enjoying the pursuit, Jack backhands Dieter.

"Tell you once

won't tell you twice

You better wise up, Dieter

Your apple pie, don't taste too nice

You better wise up"

Dieter runs out of his grip.

"I've laid the seed

It should be all you need

You're as sensual as a pencil

Wound up a like an "e" on first string

When we made it, did you hear a bell ring?"

As Jack continued to pursue Dieter around the mansion, Vanderohe and Dr. Song ride the elevator to the laboratory. Dieter enters the laboratory through the opening in the wall with Frank hot on his trail.

  "You got a block

Well, take my advice

You better wise up"

  Jack chases Dieter down the ramp and onto the main floor.  Vanderohe and River Song enter the laboratory and stand on the same floor as Dieter.

  "The transducer will seduce ya

Jack walked over to the transducer and pulled the lever down, making their feet stick to the very spot they stand on.

Dieter fries to move his feet free but they wouldn't move. "My feet - I can't move my feet," Dieter whined.

DR. Song tries to move the wheels on her wheelchair but they wouldn't bulge. "My wheels. My God, I can't move
my wheels."

It's something you'll get used to

A mental mind fuck can be nice"

"You won't find earth people quite the easy mark you imagine. This sonic transducer - it is, I suppose, some kind of audio- vibratory, physio-molecular transport device..."

"You mean..." Vanderohe asked scared.

"Yes Vanderohe. It's something we ourselves have been working on for quite some time. But it seems our friend here has found a means of perfecting it. A device which is capable of breaking down solid matter and then projecting it through space, and - who knows - perhaps even time itself." River explained. "The Doctor, I thought was the only one in the universe with this type of device - unless..."

  "You mean he's gonna send us to another planet?" Dieter asked.

Planet Schmanet, Dammit!

You better wise up

Build your thigs up

You better wise up
And than he  cried out

"STOP!!! " As Dieter hit Jack making Jim back away.

   "Don't get hot and flustered

Use a bit of mustard"
  Jack walked around pridefully."

With anger boiling inside of him Vanderohe couldn't take it anymore.

As Lark and Johnny came in through the battered wall and headed to the control panel. Jack gave the signal to turn Dieter, Vanderohe, and Dr. Song into stone.

  Coming down the ramp in her pajamas, Maleficent stomped angry at Jack. "My God. I can't stand any more of
this. First you spurn me for Crybaby and then you throw him off like an old overcoat for Dean. You chew people up then you spit them out again... I loved you. Do you hear me? I loved you and what did it get me. Yeah, I'll tell you. A big nothing. You're like a sponge - you take, take, take, and drain others of their love and emotion. Yeah, well I've had enough. You've got to choose between me and Dean."

Jack turn around and gave the okay. Lark pulled the lever and Maleficent turned to stone. Heartbroken over what transpired, he looked toward Lark and Johnny. "Even smiling makes my teeth ache."

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