Let's Do the Time Warp Again!!!

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"Are you having a party?" Dieter asked.

"No. It's one of the master's affairs. You come on a rather special night."  He said monotonously.

  "Well, lucky him."

"Your lucky, he's lucky, I'm lucky, We're all lucky." Standing at the top of the stairs, a woman with brown hair wearing a maid's outfit came sliding the ramp laughing as the man grinned at her comment.

The man walked over to the Victorian clock that started making a dinging sound.

  It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely

Johnny  took a feather duster and open the clock, revealing a skeleton covered in cobwebs, and lightly dusted it.

Lark ran in front of Dieter and Vanderohe and started to slightly crassess herself. "Not for very much longer."

Johnny started running around, dancing.
I've got to keep control

I remember doing the Time Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me
And the void would be calling

Johnny cane back around and started to dance with Lark. He took her hand and ran to the double doors. Vanderohe and Dieter followed suit, to reveal a room decorated in party decor. There were people dressed in penguins suits. They stepped onto a balcony overlooking the dance floor.

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again


Vincent also known as the criminologist, staggered over to his built-in bar and walks behind the counter fixing himself another drink. He holds onto the wall, making his way to his artifacts. He stood in front of a bookshelf. He reaches up and pulls down a chart with the dance steps on it.

"It's just a jump to the left." He slurs, taking another sip of his drink.


The guests follow suit.

They do as instructed.

"You step to the right. Then you bring your knees in tight. It's the pelvic thrust. Tends to drive you insane."

Dieter and Vanderole hold each other's hands tightly as they move out the way into a corner, observing the weird sight from a corner.

   Let's do the time warp again.
   Let's do the time warp again.

Dieter and Vanderohe eye the door then look at each, seeming to know what the other is thinking. They hold on to each other's hands tightly and try to make a run to the door. They get stopped by Lark who grabs Dieter's hand and twirls him away.

  It's so dreamy

Oh, fantasy free me

So you can't see me

No, not at all

In another dimension

With voyeuristic intention

Well secluded, I see all

Lark danced around on the balcony seductively as her brother Johnny stood beside Vanderohe and Dieter, smiling at their nervousness and the shocked expressions on their faces.

With a bit of a mind flip

Lark backs Vanderohe and Dieter off of the balcony
You're into the time slip

And nothing can ever be the same

You're spaced out on sensation

Like you're under sedation

Lark jumps off the balcony landing right next to Johnny as they make their way over to where a woman with wings, wearing a sequin top and striped pants is sitting on an old fashion jukebox.

Well I was walking down the street

Just a having a think

When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink

He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise

He had a pickup truck and the Crybaby's eyes

He stared at me and I felt a change

Time meant nothing, never would again

The guests lined up on the left side of the ballroom.

      Let's do the time warp again.
   Let's do the time warp again.

Vincent is standing behind the bar grabbing a bottle of Vodka off the top glass shelf. He turns around, turning the bottle upside, chugging it. After he has stopped chugging the vodka, he slams it down on the counter and wipes his mouth. "It's just a jump to the left." He yelled, throwing his hands in the air, smiling and laughing out loud.

The guests once again part take to dance.

                      Vincent is on the bar counter.

                      Put your hand on your hips."
"You step to the right. Then you bring your knees in tight.
               Vincent is dancing on top of the bar counter while sipping from the same Vodka bottle.
It's the pelvic thrust. Tends to drive you insane.

He falls off the counter and he hurriedly gets back up, staggering while holding on to the bar counter for support to balance himself.

The guests revert the direction of the dance.

   Let's do the Time Warp Again.

Everyone then suddenly drops to the floor, many shocks coming across Dieter and Vanderohe's faces. They back away to observe the weird and uncomfortable scene before them.

  "Should we say something?" Dieter asked.

   "I don't know. Say, does anyone know how to twerk?" Hearing the sound of his voice, they all sat up and stared at him as if they didn't know what he was talking about.

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