The Seduction

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As the moon is peaky in through the barred window, it shines off the curtain giving the room a sort of midnight glow.

  There's a knock at the door.

"Who is it? Who's there?" Dieter asked sitting up.

    "It's only me, Diete."
He relaxes.

"Oh, Vanderohe, come in. "  As Dieter sits up in his bed, the netting around it casts off a silhouette revealing Vanderohe climbing in the bed. "What are you doing in here?"

"What? I can't check to go on you?"

"That's not it. Of course, you can, it's that it's this place." He grunts a little not to show signs of frustration.

"Come here." Dieter holds his arms out and the figure embraces him. As Dieter was stroking Vanderohe's head. "Wha-what" Dieter pulls his hand back revealing a wig.

"I'm afraid so, Janet. But isn't it nice?"

"What have you done with Vanderohe?"

"Well, nothing. Why do you think I should?"

"You tricked me - I wouldn't have." Feeling humiliated and ashamed, Dieter hurried and covered himself up, moving away from Jack on the bed.

"Yes, yes I know. But it isn't all bad, is it? "

"It's your fault. You're to blame.  I was saving myself."

"Well, I'm sure you're not spent yet.

"Promise you won't tell Brad." Diete layer back on the bed as Jack climbed on him and began kissing him down his torso.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

Jack slightly pushes Dieter back down on the bed and began to ravish him.
As Lark and Johnny began to do their chores, Johnny suddenly got a brilliant idea. He walked over to Lark and stood behind her as she continued to mop. "What is it, Johnny?" She asked not turning around to look at him.

  "Look right into the suite." Lark stopped what she was doing, to look at the suite at Dean, sleeping while being chained to the floor. "You see what I see?" he began to caress his sister's arms, putting his head in the crook of her neck.

  "I see what you see." She slightly turned her head, feeling the pleasure of her brother's touch. "What do you think we should do?"

"Let me handle that, dear sister." He kissed the inside of his sister's neck softly, moving from behind her, he made his way towards the suite silently so as not to disturb Dean. Johnny took a glance at his sister as they both gave each other mis​chie​vous​ grins.

Johnny takes the candelabra from the table and walks toward the sleeping body. He moves the chain, only for Dean to stir in his sleep. Lark stands in the doorway with Johnny looking back. "Do it." she mouths to Johnny. He turns back around and holds the candelabra up to Dean's body, making him jerk up out of sleep and out of bed.

Having cornered Dean, Johnny continues to use the flames as a way of fulfilling his hatred of the creature and everything he stands for. With fear evident on his face, Dean tries to break free of his constraints as the frames keep coming toward him. Using all his strength, Dean finally breaks free and runs out of the suite making it partially collapse but not too much damage was done.

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