Science Fiction Double Feature

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Black screen.

The scene opens in black and white

Bedroom - Night - 1950s

(music cue)
A young womanan is sitting in front of a blaring tv hugging her legs to her chest with a frightened look on her face.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - Michael Rennie is shot by Army soilders.


Michael Rennie was ill.
            The day the earth stood still
            But he told us where we stand

Flash Gordon - Flash is battling an Alien

And Flash Gordon was there In silver underwear

Claude Rains was the Invisible Man; Then something went wrong
For Fay Wray and King Kong
They got caught in a celluloidjam Then at a deadly pace
It came from outer space
And this is howthe message ran.

The woman gets up from the floor and heads to her closet

chorus (V.O.)

Science Fiction -double-feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See Androids fighting Vanderole and Dieter
Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet
Ahhaho -
At the late night, double-feature Picture Show.

The woman steps out of her closet and she has on a pair of peddle pushers and a halter top with black heels. She heads over to her vanity table.

The woman fixes her face

I knew Leo G. Carrol
Was over a barrel
When tarantula took to the hills

The woman leaves and her bedroom and the scene is now in color. She's dressed in a disco seventy's dress.
She sits in front of the tv with her family.

The Bride of Frankenstein - The scientist just brought The Monster's bride to life and she is screaming

Woman gets up an answers the door. A man is standing there in 1960s rebel clothes. He smiles and she steps out with him

And I really got hot
When I saw Jeanette Scott
Fight a Triffid that spits poison and kills
Dana Andrews said prunes
Gave him the runes
And passing them used lots of skills
But when worlds collide
Said George Pal to his bride
I'm going to give you some terrible thrills
Like a -


The couple heads the mans car. He opens the door for her and she gets in. He gets in on the drivers seat and they drive off.

INT. Car- Still night
The woman is on her iPhone with the light from the screen blaring on her face.

We look on her phone and a movie is playing.

Day of the Triffids(1962) - A triffid is attacking Janette Scott and she and Kieron Moore fight it off with the ocean water

-Science Fiction - double-feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See Androids fighting Vanderole and Dieter
Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet
Oh Ho - at the late-night, double-feature picture show

Cut to:
INT. Movie theater - Night

The woman and her boyfriend are walking down the aisle to find a seat. The lights dim and the FOX logo shows up on the screen.

By R.K.O.
Oh Ho. Ho.
To the late-night, double-feature Picture Show
In the back row.


Close up:
The woman's lips are the only thing in the shot

To the late-night, double-feature show

She smiles and pops a popcorn in her mouth.


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