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Countless people are advancing through the place like a dark tunnel. Since the place is dark many people are carrying torches with them. Thousands of footsteps are being heard. Since a huge army is marching.

A man in his 50s rode to a man on horseback.

"Marquess Kaarlonen!"

"What happened?" One person said. He was riding a well-equipped horse.

"We'll be out in a while."

"Very well. Send some Wyvern Raiders first. Then send Imperial Army Auxiliary Cohorts. Slave those who survive after their killing."

"Yes, sir."

The commander left to issue orders.

"Dad, shouldn't we have sent some scout teams first?"

A voice came from behind Marquess Kaarlonen.

"What are you talking about? Sending teams is just a waste of time. Are you pointing fingers at Dad?" Another voice was heard.

"No, I'm just ...

"Shut up, you two."

These two men were the sons of Marquess Kaarlonen.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"Jucifer, there is nothing to worry about. We are an empire. No matter how strong the people on the other side are, they will not be able to defeat us. Like an elephant, it grinds everything in its path. We too will crush all the enemies on our way ."  He said proudly

"I understand. I'm sorry."

"Hmm ... I brought the two of you with me on this expedition so you can gain some experience. Also so that you can be a witness to the glory of the Empire. Remember we have never lost wars in 600 years."


The forces continued to advance toward the light


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