Story of Opposites

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Gold and rust

Wealth and famine

Progress...and violence

Such were the words that came to mind when thinking about the city that was to become Zaun, and Piltover, the two cities that were forced to coexist after a tragedy created the river that now separates them

Not only that, but the difference between them was crystal clear. Some people, outsiders, would say that the Lanes is where the problems were, that Piltover was truly the golden city of a standard 

And back then, you were naive to believe that

In every aspect, except the people

That is why you sought refuge in the small library that you had available in your house. It was one of the many luxuries you could afford, and one that you were so grateful for. You didn't have to spend time with the people there. They were just so...odd

You could just sit back, serve yourself something to drink, and enjoy a good book. You might not travel much yourself, but your mind was easily somewhere else 80% of the time

But much like the characters in your stories, you were about to embark on a journey of your own

Even if the beginning was less than...desirable

The door to your home opened, notifying you of the arrival of the only other person that lived in the house since the incident at the bridge: Your mother, the current Sheriff of Piltover

 She couldn't help but smile when she saw you on the couch

Grayson: Still chipping away at that book, I see

You: You know I do enjoy myself mystery stories, mom

She walked past you to put her helmet on the table and went to grab some things

You: How was your day?

Grayson: A good part of it was listening to the Council's demands and seeing them arguing with one another so I can at least say it wasn't dull

A chuckle left your lips. If there was one part of the day you enjoyed, was the conversations with your mother about her work. It gave you a peek behind the golden curtains, behind the image of perfection the Council liked to project so much

But of course, you never spilled a word about it, you were not supposed to

You were expecting her to sit next to you to talk but were surprised when you noticed she was making her way back to the door, this time, with her breathing mask on

You: Leaving so soon, mother?

She stopped to look at you. Grayson nodded before she answered

Grayson: I must leave. I have a meeting with the leader of the undercity

This made you lower your book to give her a look of disdain. You hated the thought of your mother associating with those savages, and you were not exactly subtle about it, your groans gave you away

Your feelings towards the people from the underground had changed over the last three years. You didn't want to exterminate every single one of them anymore, but you were hardly a fan of them

This rage had been barely quelled by your mother's efforts, as well as a lack of another major incident since the bridge

But never could you forget that they were the ones that took your father away

You: I'm sorry, but I fail to see the logic in this

Grayson: In what?

Then, you closed your book and put it away before looking at her

Second Wind - Arcane Gender Neutral Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now