Make Friends With The Dark

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December 12th 3:26 p.m.
Dick's apartment

I came to a shaky stop in the parking lot. I'd gone 70 the whole way to his apartment and I still hadn't beat him.

His silver Porsche was parked next to the side door. It made me want to turn back and just drive around for a few more minutes.

Then I remembered how shitty I felt yesterday when he went AWOL. He didn't tell me where he was going and I scolded him for it.

I took my helmet off and put the kickstand down when Dick flew out the door. He was angry and I had a hard time looking at him when I knew it was directed towards me.

When he saw me, his eyes closed, he stopped as if he'd ran into an invisible wall.

"You're okay?" his voice ripped through the wind.

"I thought I'd be back before-."

"Just tell me if you're alright."

"I'm fine. I just-."

He sucked in a breath and his shoulders dropped, like the weight of the world disappeared. His eyes bore into me, and I couldn't tell if it was anger anymore.

"It was one thing. One fucking thing. Don't go into town."

"I was going-."

"Going to what? Go into Gotham by yourself while the whole city is hunting you? Do you have any idea how stupid that was? How bad this could've gone?"

"If you'd stop cutting me off, I'd be able to explain myself."

"Fine. Explain. What was so important that you had to put us in that position?"

"I went to the cemetery."

Dick looked away and laughed, "The cemetery."

"Where did you think I was."

He dropped my gaze again, "I thought you left."

"I would never do that. I just wanted to go to my parents' grave before I left." I wasn't going to tell him about Lenny and Bianca. Not yet. Not after the scene I made earlier. But it was weighing on me.

"What do you think would happen if they arrested you?"

"Dick. I didn't get arrested. I'm here. I'm okay."

"I would've dropped everything for you. I would've made myself public enemy number one. I would've broken you out of every single problem you've made for yourself just so I can prove to everyone I'm still the fucking idiot for trusting you!"

I couldn't do anything but stare.

At least for a few seconds.

"That's not fair and you know that."

"How isn't it?"

"Because it's hypocritical. You're one to talk about trust. I don't expect the truth from you. I know the Maroni's are your top priority and you'll lie for them. Don't pretend that they aren't."

He scoffed and shook his head, "You really believe that?"

"How could I not? All of this started because I was a Maroni."

"It must be so exhausting convincing yourself you're always right."

He turned around and I followed him up the stairs.

He flew into the apartment, and I was about to tell him to take the stick out of his ass when he picked up a red tote bag. It looked heavy and was filled to the brim.

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