Right My Wrongs

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December 12th 11:53 a.m.
Dick's Apartment

Dick hit the space bar on his computer and Downton Abbey paused as Violet poured tea into her porcelain cup.

"Alfred does sound like them."

"I tried to tell you. Mannerisms and all."

Dick laughed and planted a kiss to my ear. I sank back into him with my head on his shoulder. The hot water lapped against the tub with our movement. It wasn't meant for two, but he insisted. Which surprised me considering he didn't even like watching T.V.

"You smell like the air after it rains," his arms wrapped around my waist and his erection dug into the small of my back. I bent my head to give him more room and his tongue swiped below my ear.

"I hate the rain," I whispered as I swallowed the sadness. I figured he knew how my parents died, just not the specifics of what happened. Another thing to take to my grave.

He ran his hand over my stomach. "Every time I'm near you it's like it's all I can smell."

His hands roamed down till my thighs spread for him. My butt pushed down and the small groan that left his lips just added to the blaze in my stomach.

His finger grazed my clit and my hearing and sight disappeared all at once. The loss of my senses only made me focus on his touch more. Like it was the only thing in the world left to think about. The only thing worth my attention.

"Where do you want it? Here, or on the bed?" He asked as his fingers pushed inside of me.

"Now," I sat up and his hands moved to guide me down until I felt the tip of his cock.

"Don't move until I tell you to," he said, and my hands went to hold the sides of the tub.

"Do you always have to turn sex into a game?" I let out a heavy breath.

"I like when I make you frustrated. That's how it's always been. I push and you give me a reaction. Every single time." He pushed his hips up and goosebumps gathered on my skin.

My legs shook with the pressure of my own neediness. He kissed my back and that didn't help.

Accidentally, my hips lowered half an inch.

"Claire," he warned.

"Stop being such a prick," I choked out and he pushed my hips down so I was pulsing around him.

"You're a brat," he whispered to my back, and I leaned against him.

His hands held my waist as he throbbed inside of me. The friction of his body rubbing against mine was enough to let me come undone, but I was holding on to the porcelain with white knuckles trying my best to push it off.

"You're too big."

"We already know it fits. I'll go slow."

The water hadn't been hot for the past half hour but now it was freezing against my burning skin.

I pushed up and rolled my hips until my insides started to burn. I stopped after an onslaught of moans.

"Fuck," I pushed up just to get more stability and he grabbed my wrist. He pulled me back down and wrapped his arms around me. My back was to his chest and his hips were raising to meet mine. He let out a curse and my legs started to squirm.

The sudden thrusts tore me in half.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I said to the ceiling, and he pushed my legs up so my knees were touching my chest.

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