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Bendy the Dancing Demon

Age: ██ *
Gender: male
Hair color: N/A
Eye color: Black
Relationship: Single (Alice as his love interest in shows)
Height: 3'0
Occupation: Mascot

Description: A demon with a black circle head, circular cut on top to form horns. A heart shaped white face, black pie cut eyes, and a toothy grin. He has no neck, instead it floats several inches above a black oval body, spindly arms and legs with white gloves and black boots, and a white bow-tie.

Behavior: He is mischievous, often pulling harmless pranks like a little boy compared to an adult demon who curses souls. He acts like a hyperactive child, getting spooked only when people try to pay back the trouble or when something is actually scary.

Abilities: Hammerspace. Small ability to stretch limbs (rubber-hose amirite?). Melt into ink.

Quote(s): N/A

Fun facts: He can talk.

Headcannons: He can fucking fuse into Ink Bendy and considers him a much older brother. 

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