August Akuma

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August Akuma (OC)

Age: 10-24

Gender: Gender fluid
Pronouns: Any
Hair color: Red-brown
Eye color: Brown
Relationship: Unknown
Height: 4'8 (commonly)
Department: N/A
Occupation: Visitor

Description: A person of average build, shoulder length hair that is normally tied up and tanned skin. They wear a top hat with a purple star and a yellow ribbon. They are always wearing a white collared shirt, and denim short overalls or a black sweater vest over. They always wear gray sneakers, a black backpack, and a mask made of paper. The mask will change from a face, to others, and to various sayings. Mostly quotes from books.

Under the mask: Their face is blacked out with what looks to be a black "scribble" over their eyes and starts right below the nose to above the forehead. A white question mark on top. They have said that their eye color is brown.

Behavior: They will disappear for hours but know everything that's happening and what has already happened. They have hinted that they know the immediate future but it is currently unknown. They like to collect things and are frequently seen playing work dolls that look like employees from the studio. They also have a love for certain sweets. They are chaotic and reckless. When told to do something, they may adamantly refuse, as they are stubborn. They appear agitated at the mention of them being tired or school.

Abilities: They can change their physical appearance, although a top hat or paper mask is always present. They can ███████ █████ ███████ ████████ ████████, and create other rooms. They can summon all objects that aren't considered a weapon and ██████ ████ ████ ████ ████████ ████████ ████ ███ █████ ██████ ███████ █████ ████ █████ ████ ██████* They cannot die.

Quotes: "Ah, look. The consequences of my actions." "I'm not dead yet, therefore I am immortal." "I'm not tired!"

Fun facts: They are not 10 years old. She could also use He, Her, It, but it is easier to call him "they". They are an OC


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