Henry Stein

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Henry Stein

Age: late 50s
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Love interest: Married to Linda
Height: 6'0
Department: Art Department
Occupation: former Animation Director

Description: A man with an average build, brown hair, black rimmed glasses, and a red and white striped hat. His clothing is always slightly out of proportion, commonly wearing a white dress shirt, red tie, and black slacks to go with simple brown shoes

Basic background: Henry is of upper-middle class. Henry always was passionate about art and went to an art collage and met Abigail Lambert there, who introduced him to Joey. Joey and he opened the studio together after he offered to help. He left in early 1930 and returned 30 years later,

Behavior: He is soft spoken and doesn't talk as often as others. He also appears to be numb to what is happening around him, although able to respond to situations appropriately. He shows little to no emotion, but when he does it's usually dulled down or extremely explosive. He zones out a lot during the loops because he's just going through the motions, even if he doesn't realize. He also has Deja vu because of it and it confuses him. He is mentally unstable but bottles it up to the point where he's void of any feelings (it breaks easily during adrenaline and cortisol rushes) to try and, you know, not die.

Abilities (Loops): He can survive tall heights and respawn. Heals quicker after eating bacon soup

Quote(s): "I'm sorry Buddy."

Fun facts: He is the only one in-game with no model. When he dies and respawns, he'll go to what he was doing as if nothing happened. He and everyone who witnessed will forget it, it feels like small moments have been repeated (que a stronger feeling of Deja vu.)

Nobody but Joey and Abby knows his surname.
Became colorblind during the loop
When he listens to Drew's audio log, he remembers everything, and it goes through to the next loop but fades away after a certain point. He doesn't remember in the apartment.

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