How the Ink works

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How it spreads

The Ink typically spreads by moving on its own, usually by sliding off of frames or paper that it has been on. You can also ingest the ink on purpose, which speeds up the process and is far less painful due to the lack of resistance.

When you resist, you don't stand a chance unless you manage to get all of it off of you. A single drop can still ink you. Depending on how it feels, it could make the process painful when it infects you.

The more it is in your body, the faster it is.

How you become inked

How you become ink is very simple. You have ink enter your body via wounds or mouth. But you could also be killed and ██████ ████ ███ ███ ███████, usually the latter some form unless tricked to drink te ink. Exactly how you change varies from person to person depending on the ink.

If you become a searcher or Lost one, it is very straightforward and will be listed later. However, if you are a specific monster, things get more complicated.

The ink will decide what monster you become (sometimes influenced by job and request). If you are being tried for a toon, the ink can deny and leave you to form. Being denied you will become failed, or imperfect. The closest you can become to a toon whilst failing as an imperfect Boris, having it's personality but off model. Being a failed butcher gang usually has you continue as a more intelligent searcher.

Being specific, the ink will make a person for you, very rarely that body is a toon. And even rarer that toon is perfect. It will enter your mind through the ink that's in your body and it will start to take control, usually by influence first before it has episodes of being in control, then it takes over completely.

What you become

The possibilities range from a lost one, searcher, toon clone, or a monster, with several exceptions.

One of the exceptions would be an Alice, as those are not only rare, but specified to a person. If you get killed and ██████ ████ ███ ███ ███████, you have a higher chance of becoming a toon clone or an exception. Simply ingesting it or being killed lowers that chance. Most exemptions are for one person only. You could also become a failed toon such as the Butcher gang

One of the strangest exceptions is being almost completely fused with a machine, the projectionist and the Animatronic is one of them, although the animatronic is specified for one person only.

There has not been a Bendy with a human soul in the ink machine yet.

How you mentally change

At first, not being an exception you lose your memories and who you are, although some remember certain details. Then you will experience behavioral changes, often dissaciciating or acting feral. Then you change completely.

As an exception, you will act out of the ordinary. For some it's drinking more ink as the first change. You will be influenced by the person as it affects your consciousness, developing obsessions being the most common after muttering random sayings. It will continue like this before you will disappear from everyone you know, as you will be led by that person in your head or by another into a room where you stay for several days. This is your last chance to be saved. After you change from being alone and no outside help anchoring you, you will be "transported" into your mind where you can fight or submit control.

How you physically change

Not being a searcher or lost one you will start to have yellow eyes and inky saliva, tears, and sweat. Anything of those three that exit's your body has a high chance of sticking to you as ink and staining your clothing (causing it to stick to your skin). After you are covered in ink your tissue will start to become ink. If you are a searcher your body below the torso will melt and refuse to stay solid.

During everything your consciousness will join the well of voices

Being a toon you will follow it until you are covered in ink, which it will harden to an almost fleshy substance and possibly turn white. The black ink can still drip down the white ink and make it messy, and it does that often. Your flesh will undergo the same procedure and depending on who you are, you can become taller or shorter, as well as losing limbs and having more ink from your body solidify to something else to accommodate for that, such as a plunger or fishing rod. As a boris your transformation will be near perfect except for some sketch lines on your model.

As an exception, you can undergo either one of these and you will go on from there, the prophet taking the path of a lost one and Alice taking the path of a toon.

As an animatronic your soul will usually leave your body as it becomes ink, where you will join the well of voices as it gets transported to your new vessel. It usually has ink on it to accompany your soul, as well as sometimes having the flesh-like ink there. Sometimes, you will have the same as the lost one but ink will form around the head to create a projector, but that's only for the projectionist.

How the mind works afterwards

In the mind, it depends on what person you are. But it's always pitched black, a large screen working as your eyes (you can walk past it) and it's endless. If you keep walking in one direction, you will return back to where you originally were in less than 5 minutes. There is a spotlight with no source shining down. Whoever is inside is in control of the physical vessel. There are usually 2 consciousnesses, but there is a chance of more than two in one body, or only one that keeps the body to themselves. There are usually objects around, but nothing can really entertain one, the closest thing to entertainment being a single book. If one is afraid of the dark, they will be accompanied by a lamp.

There is a chance that your mind will have silhouettes in the background that you can never reach, such as buildings, trees, and mountains. Some people are even on an island and surrounded by water, there are endless possibilities. Hell, one of them has mirrors surrounding them.

The bodys are straightforward. One being a human, looking exactly as they did during their prime, and the inked body. The human usually has all its memories while the Inked being has its own personality different from the human. There are times where there is a safe, box, or a lake holding the memories of the human, causing them to forget. This is common. Depending on what the ink wishes, the inked being can fight against the human so much so that if they succeed, they have the ability to "chain" the human to the ground, giving them full control.

How the body works afterwards

You share the Inked being's body, with enough time you can call it your own. If you wish, you may close your eyes and look into your mind where the spotlight is. You both share the same injuries physically, but when injured only the one in control can feel them and the one who gained the injuries. (If the inked being was hurt and the human is in control, they both feel pain. But if the inked being was hurt and is still in control, the human cannot feel pain.)

When the ink is "washed away", you may return to your human body, but it works the same. There are usually side effects that accompany your human body. With strong emotion or lasting contact with ink, you may revert back. You may also revert back on command.

The change in body can also happen partially, but only rarely as it is rather unknown how to achieve it. The ink is greedy and likes to claim the body before you reach this stage.. An example is that you have an inky body and your eyes are human, or your arm, it can even be half of your body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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