Start from the beginning

Opening the loud brown paper sack, she removed the blue and white box that read, Clear Blue.

Over 99% accurate. It claimed.

Onika being Onika, needed extra confirmation which probed her to pick up the version that came with a full pack of four test inside. She strolled towards her spacious kitchen, opening her cabinet and reached for a glass. Walking over to her sink, she turned on the purified water, filling the glass up. Taking more than a sip, she continued to chug the entire liquid until there wasn't a drop left to quench.

Traveling back to her bathroom, she felt she had drank enough to generate her  urinate onto all four sticks. Finishing her business, the water works splashed down her cheeks without warning. Her head felt light due to her continuous crying, and overwhelming herself.

Sniffling, Onika aligned each test in a row lying then across the counter. She grabbed her phone and set her timer to three minutes. The box read one minute, but in Onika's mind, you can never be too sure.

She proceeded to play a game of solitaire on her phone to keep her thoughts distracted because once the timer rang off it wasn't much she could do nor come back from. The small raven haired woman was on the brink of losing it all, and what made it worse is that her family has no clue she even exists.

Onika has relentlessly been in the foster care system since birth, and that's all she appears to know. She's never related to a stable home life nor a pot to piss in. She's never experienced real love or affection, only pain and dissension. Onika has tried finding that thing called love by having relationships after relationships, and they only took advantage of her lack of self love.


The annoying timer rang off, as a lump began forming in Onika's throat. She was beyond anxious to know—and be in the unknown, all at the same time. Instantly, she was having regrets of the scenarios that brought her to this current state she's undergoing.

Momentarily, she closed her brown almond obs, taking a steady deep breath, relaxing her jaw muscles, as well as, her shoulders. She wanted to be in the calmest of aura possible, before revealing to herself such hectic dispatch.
Reading over the box once again, it instructed that a positive result will instantly show two lines going a cross one another, and as expected, the negative results will reveal one straight line traveling horizontally.

"You got this.." she encouraged, reaching for the very first test.

"Negative?" She mumbled, in a shocked tone. Onika had been experiencing pregnancy symptoms the entire week, more specifically, morning sickness of non stopped puking, extreme nausea, and swollen breast. Damn near just about every fatigue symptom there was. Onika would even slumber for fifteen hours, if given the opportunity.

Picking up the next three, she felt confident they would all remain negative as well, but life humbled her vastly.

"No, no , no, no!"


—The test revealed in order. Her hands trembled causing them to drop into the floor with a thud. She brushed her finger through her unkept curls, feeling her heart drop like a rollercoaster on the tallest landscape. Her pulse thumped at a fast rate as tears filled her almond eyes, for the umpteenth time.

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